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The bestselling beginning networking book is now updated to cover the latest tools and trends! Fully updated and revised to include the latest trends in networking, this perennial bestseller features updated coverage of broadband technologies, storage, and backup. You'll discover the hottest topics for setting up a network at home or in the office. Popular For Dummies author Doug Lowe knows what the networking beginner is looking for, so to that end, he offers you networking fundamentals written in his easy-to-understand style and discusses topics such as Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. Walks you through networking basics with valuable updates of the latest networking tools and trends Explains exactly what a network is and how to use it Demonstrates how to build a wired or wireless network Addresses securing, optimizing, and troubleshooting a network Discusses networking with all major operating systems Networking For Dummies, 9th Edition is the guide you need to start sharing resources and exchanging data today.
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Edition | Availability |
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Networking for Dummies, Sixth Edition
November 4, 2002, For Dummies
in English
- 6 edition
0764516779 9780764516771
Networking for dummies
2001, Hungry Minds, Transworld [distributor]
in English
- 5th ed.
0764507729 9780764507724
6 |
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9 |
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Edition Notes
Translation of: Networking for dummies, 6th ed.
Includes index.
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- Created October 16, 2008
- 7 revisions
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October 18, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
April 7, 2020 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
July 15, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
April 16, 2010 | Edited by bgimpertBot | Added goodreads ID. |
October 16, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Oregon Libraries MARC record |