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Environmental studies
2009, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
in English
- 3rd ed.
0073527580 9780073527581
Classic Edition Sources: Environmental Studies (Sourcebooks)
February 8, 2008, McGraw-Hill/Dushkin
in English
- 3 edition
0073527580 9780073527581
Book Details
Table of Contents
ch. 1: Preservation vs. conservation. 1. from Man and nature / George Perkins Marsh
2. from The mountains of California / John Muir
3. from The fight for conservation / Gifford Pinchot
4. from A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there / Aldo Leopold
ch. 2: Fundamental causes of environmental problems. 5. from "Prehistoric overkill," in Quaternary extinctions : a prehistoric revolution / Paul S. Martin
6. from "The historical roots of our ecological crisis," Science / Lynn White, Jr.
7. from "The tragedy of the commons," Science / Garrett Hardin
8. from The limits to growth : the 30-year update / Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis Meadows
ch. 3: Ecosystems and ecosystem services. 9. from "Human domination of Earth's ecosystems," Science / Peter M. Vitousek, Harold A. Mooney, Jerry M. Melillo
10. from Life and death of the salt marsh / John Teal, Mildred Teal
11. from "Will Hurricane Katrina impact shoreline management?" Journal of coastal research / Orrin H. Pilkey, Robert S. Young
12. Millennium ecosystem assessment, 2005, from Ecosystems and human well-being
ch. 4: Energy and ecosystems. 13. from "The annual energy budget of an inland lake," Ecology / Chancey Juday
14. from Energy and the environment / John M. Fowler
ch. 5: Renewable and nonrenewable energy. 15. from "More profit with less carbon," Scientific American / Amory B. Lovins
16. from "Reinventing the energy system," in Lester R. Brown et al., State of the world 1999 : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / Christopher Flavin, Seth Dunn
ch. 6: Forests, wilderness, and wildlife. 17. from Sierra Club v. Morton / William O. Douglas
18. from Uncommon ground : toward reinventing nature / William Cronon
ch. 7: Biodiversity. 19. from "The current state of biological diversity," in E.O. Wilson, ed., Biodiversity / E.O. Wilson
20. from "Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services," Science / Boris Worm, et al.
21. from "Rethinking rain forests : biodiversity and social justice," Food First backgrounder / John Vandermeer, Ivette Perfecto
ch. 8: Pollution. 22. from Fumifugium : Or the inconvenience of the aer and smoake of London dissipated / John Evelyn
23. from "Controversy at Love Canal," Hastings Center report / Beverly Paigen
24. from "Restoring rivers," Issues in science & technology / Margaret A. Palmer, J. David Allen
ch. 9: Global warming and ozone depletion. 25. from Ozone diplomacy : new directions in safeguarding the planet / Richard Elliot Benedick
26. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, from Climate change 2007 : the physical science basis
ch. 10: Food. 27. from The unsettling of America : culture and agriculture / Wendell Berry
28. from "Food scarcity : an environmental wakeup call," The futurist / Lester Brown
29. from "Environmental, energetic, and economic comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems," Bioscience / David Pimentel, et al.
ch.11: Chemicals. 30. from The pesticide conspiracy / Robert van den Bosch
31. from Living downstream : an ecologist looks at cancer and the environment / Sandra Steingraber
32. from Our stolen future / Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, John Peterson Myers
ch. 12: Political and economic issues. 33. from "At the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima or Why political questions are not all economic," Arizona law review / Mark Sagoff
34. from "Environmental justice for all," Crisis (The new) / Robert D. Bullard
35. from "Putting a value on nature's 'free' services," World watch / Janet N. Abramovitz
ch. 13: Population control controversies. 36. from "The population explosion : why we should care and what we should do about it," Environmental law / Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich
37. from Reproductive rights and wrongs : the global politics of population control, rev. ed. / Betsy Hartmann
38. from How many people can the Earth support? / Joel E. Cohen
ch. 14: Environmental ethics and worldviews. 39. from Our common future / World Commission on Environment and Development
40. from "The ethics of respect for nature," Environmental ethics / Paul W. Taylor
41. from "Women's indigenous knowledge and biodiversity conservation," in Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva, Ecofeminism / Vandana Shiva
42. from Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed / Jared Diamond.
Edition Notes
Previous editions (1997, 2000), with the title Sources : notable selections in environmental studies, were edited by Theodore D. Goldfarb.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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- Created October 20, 2008
- 5 revisions
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