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The first part of the volume contains a comprehensive description of the theory of entire and meromorphic functions of one complex variable and its applications. It includes the fundamental notions, methods and results on the growth of entire functions and the distribution of their zeros, the Rolf Nevanlinna theory of distribution of values of meromorphic functions including the inverse problem, the theory of completely regular growth, the concept of limit sets for entire and subharmonic functions.
The authors describe the applications to the interpolation by entire functions, to entire and meromorphic solutions of ordinary differential equations, to the Riemann boundary problem with an infinite index and to the arithmetic of the convolution semigroup of probability distributions.
Polyanalytic functions form one of the most natural generalizations of analytic functions and are described in Part II. This contribution contains a detailed review of recent investigations concerning the function-theoretical peculiarities of polyanalytic functions (boundary behaviour, value distributions, degeneration, uniqueness etc.).
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Edition | Availability |
Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions Polyanalytic Functions and Their Generalizations
2013, Springer
in English
3662033968 9783662033968
Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions
2010, Springer
in English
3642081274 9783642081279
Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions. Polyanalytic Functions and Their Generalizations (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
February 28, 2001, Springer
in English
- 1 edition
3540547037 9783540547037
Complex analysis I: entire and meromorphic functions, polyanalytic functions and their generalizations
1997, Springer
in English
3540547037 9783540547037
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Translated from the Russian.
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- Created October 20, 2008
- 8 revisions
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October 20, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Oregon Libraries MARC record |