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This book is about modern sciences like mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, botany and medicine in ancient India. The book gives copious references, and often refers to original texts like the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. Extracts from Some original texts have been often translated in this book, for example Kanada's Vaisheshika sutras discussing kinetic and potential energy, or the Rig Veda and the Chandogya Upanishad for heiocentric model of solar system. In the chapter for mathematics, many earliest contibution in mathematics have been traced to Indian texts like the Shulba Sutras. In the chapter on medicine, the book exahusts medicine in Atharva Veda for the first time. The book also traces in western literature, how Indian knowledge reached the West. It is a source-book for any future work on science in ancient India.
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Atharva Veda, History, Kanada, Medicine, Pingala, Rig Veda, Science, Vaisheshika Sutra, Zero, ancient India, astronomy, binary mathematics, binomial, botany, calculus, chemistry, combination, cosmogenesis, cosmology, heliocentric, irrational numbers, magnetism, matematics, mechanics, permutation, physics, shulba Sutra, Buddhism, Relations, Hinduism, Civilization, Indic influencesPeople
Amartya Sen, Caliph Manun, Charaka, Dhanvantari, Duncan, George Ifrah, Hroon-al-Rashid, Kanada, Kautilya, Newton, Prashastapada, Pythagoras, Sushruta, al-Khwarizimi, al-biruni, alberuni, albutegneus, aryabhata, bhaskaracharya, kanaka, sachauTimes
To 1500, Vedic Period To 1500Edition | Availability |
Zero is not the only story: ancient India's contribution to modern sciences
2007, India First Foundation
in English
- 1st ed.
8189072145 9788189072148
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-227) and index.
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- Created October 29, 2008
- 5 revisions
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October 29, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Library of Congress MARC record |