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Friedman's bestseller "The World Is Flat" has helped millions of readers to see globalization in a new way. Now the author brings a fresh outlook to the crises of destabilizing climate change and rising competition for energy.
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Environmental conditions, Social conditions, Green movement, Climatic changes, Environmental aspects of Power resources, Green technology, Environmental aspects, Environmental policy, Power resources, Energy policy, Environnement, Miljöfrågor, Usa, Conditions sociales, Ökologische Bewegung, Écologisme, Climate, Erneuerung, Ecology, Miljöpolitik, Environmental protection, Climatic change, Energy resources, Government policy, Government, Gröna rörelsen, Socioeconomic organization, China, Energy policies, Renewable energy resources, Environmental policies, Reading Level-Grade 7, Reading Level-Grade 9, Reading Level-Grade 8, Reading Level-Grade 11, Reading Level-Grade 10, Reading Level-Grade 12, Environmental policy, united states, Energy policy, united states, United states, environmental conditions, United states, social conditions, 1980-, Large type books, nyt:hardcover-nonfiction=2008-09-28, New York Times bestseller, New York Times reviewed, Green movement--united states, Green technology--united states, Power resources--environmental aspects, Environmental policy--united states, Energy policy--united states, Ge197 .f76 2009, 363.705250973, Climate--government policy, Climate--government policy--united states, Energy resources--united states, Renewable energy resources--united states, Ge197 .f75 2008b, 320.5/8, LEADERSHIP, Technologie de protection de l'environnement, Climat, Changements, Ressources énergétiques, Aspect de l'environnement, Politique gouvernementale, Politique énergétique, Climate change, United states, social conditions, PopulationPlaces
United StatesTimes
1980-Showing 10 featured editions. View all 24 editions?
Book Details
Table of Contents
I. WHERE WE ARE. Where birds don't fly
Today's date: 1 E.C.E. Today's weather: hot, flat, and crowded
II. HOW WE GOT HERE. Our carbon copies (or, too many Americans)
Fill 'er up with dictators
Global weirding
The age of Noah
Energy poverty
Green is the new red, white, and blue
III. HOW WE MOVE FORWARD. 205 easy ways to save the earth
The energy internet: when IT meets ET
The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones
If it isn't boring, it isn't green
A million Noahs, a million arks
Outgreening al-Qaeda (or, buy one, get four free)
IV. CHINA. Can red China become green China?
V. AMERICA. China for a day (but not for two)
A democratic China, or a banana republic?
Edition Notes
Includes index.
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Collingswood Public Library recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
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Marygrove College MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
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- Created October 31, 2008
- 33 revisions
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December 19, 2023 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
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December 27, 2022 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
October 31, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Collingswood Public Library record |