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Education, Aims and objectivesPlaces
Brazil, São Paulo (State)Edition | Availability |
Realidade ou utopia?: questões de educação
2006, Lazuli Editora, SESC São Paulo
in Portuguese
8589052575 9788589052573
Realidade ou utopia: questões de educação / [prefácio de Roberto Romano].
2005, Lazuli Editora
in Portuguese
8589052575 9788589052573
Book Details
Edition Notes
Texts originally published in the Brazilian magazine Revista E, SESC São Paulo, between 2003 and 2005.
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- Created November 4, 2008
- 2 revisions
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July 31, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | associate edition with work OL19496910W |
November 4, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Library of Congress MARC record |