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This monograph gives a systematic presentation of the theory of light scattering in the atmosphere. Homogeneous atmospheres, multilayered atmospheres and inhomogeneous atmospheres whose parameters depend continuously on depth are treated. Special attention is paid to obtaining simple asymptotical formulas that have wide-ranging applications. A number of algorithms for the numerical solution of transfer theory problems are described.
Examples are given in which the theory is used to solve astrophysical and geophysical problems; other areas to which the theory can be applied are also mentioned. In particular, the rigorous asymptotical theory of weak line formation in multiple scattering is presented. An appendix contains tables of functions and parameters for solving light scattering problems.
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Previews available in: English
Atmospheres, Light, Radiative transfer, Planets, Scattering, Atmosphères planétaires, Light scattering, Planètes, Lumière, Atmosfeer, Transfert du rayonnement radiatif, Astrophysique, Planets Atmospheres, Planeten, Atmosphère Théorie, Lichtverstrooiing, Stralingstransport, Atmosphère, Planète, Diffusion, Transfert radiatif, Planets, atmospheres, Light, scatteringEdition | Availability |
Light Scattering in Inhomogeneous Atmospheres
2012, Springer London, Limited
in English
364260465X 9783642604652
Light Scattering in Inhomogeneous Atmospheres
2011, Springer London, Limited
in English
3642644171 9783642644177
3 |
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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- Created November 13, 2008
- 7 revisions
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November 13, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Talis record |