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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Landmark essays in mission and world christianity
2009, Orbis Books
in English
1570758298 9781570758294
Classic texts in mission and world Christianity
2009, Orbis Books
in English
1570758298 9781570758294
Book Details
Table of Contents
Preface / Robert L. Gallagher and Paul Hertig
Biblical theology
Reflections on biblical models of mission / David Bosch
An exegetical study of Matthew 28:16-20 / Karl Barth
Captivity and liberation in the modern missionary movement / Orlando E. Costas
Shifting southward : global Christianity since 1945 / Dana Robert
Theology, church, and kingdom
Reconciliation as a model of mission / Robert J.
The unity of the church and the homogenous unit principle / C. Ren Padilla
Evangelism and contextualization
Five theses in the significance of modern Christianity : a manifesto article / Kwame Bediako
Recasting theology of mission : impulses from the non-western world / Wilbert R. Shenk
The Gospel as prisoner and liberator of culture / Andrew F. Walls
Christianity and the religions
The Gospel and the religions / Lesslie Newbigin
The uniqueness of Christ in mission theology / Charles E. Van Engen
The flaw of the excluded middle / Paul Hiebert
Ecumenism in the Barrio / Daisy Machado
Global trends
A new Christianity, but what kind / Peter C. Phan
Mission studies : past, present, and future / Samuel Escobar.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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- Created December 12, 2008
- 15 revisions
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