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The main premise of the book. if these same people had deeply cleansed their bodies, eaten a perfect diet and used powerful, natural supplements, they might all be alive today! 1-16 achieving spontaneous healing. Its success depends upon: 1) removing the negative thought fonvs, patterns, emotions, and habits, and 2) replacing them with attitudes of success, confidence, joy, love and trust, etc. Our own research indicates that love is the great key. When we understand that love is the natural state of our beings and when love is not flowing through our beings every moment, then some other emotion or concept is interfering. These interferences are usually emotions of great intensity or some quirk in our point of view, such as the habit of judging conditions, things or people in negative ways, and most of the time they are unconscious. One of the activities we all need to initiate, is to remove these conscious and unconscious negative emotions so that love may flow freely through us. Herein lies one of the most important points in this book. There is a residue, a substance that attaches itself to our cells and organs and causes malfunctions. I will call it "emotional plaque". It is not visible to physical sight, and we cannot see it under the microscope, but it is there nevertheless. It is like a magnet, in that it attracts toxic physical substance to it which appears to be the physical cause of disease. But the main point is, mucus and toxins are held in place by this undetected residue created by negative consciousness. This emotional plaque contains consciousness in the form of unconscious memories, attitudes and feelings. Like a radio wave, it continues to send out messages, and draws to itself conditions similar to its own nature. Create enough of these and you will have habits. Habits create consistency and consistency creates persistent manifestation. The greatest downfall in medicine is the failure to recognize this emotional plaque and the lack of knowledge of how to remove it. And how do we remove it? By first eliminating judgment, refining true discernment, focusing on the beauty in life, practicing gratitude, appreciation, kindness and love, while at the samê^C hinese acupuncturists have mapped energy meridians in the human body. They use needles to help unblock the energy meridians that have become blocked. Scientists and doctors have learned the effectiveness of their techniques. There isn't any doubt about it, it works! But medical science has not discovered any physiological evidence as to why. Yet, in my opinion, the effects have proven to be so obvious, that there is little doubt that acupuncture theories are true. What is this substance that blocks the meridians? I assert that it is "emotional plaque" stuck in the etheric body. How do I know? There are those who have the sight to see it. When several people have this ability and they all see the same thing independently, you can learn to identify what it is, where it is, where it comes from, and then remove it. 1-17 time cleansing the body and feeding it pure foods. These are the fundamental techniques required. As we practice them, we will discover further techniques which will carry us to our goal. For the more love that flows through us, the more intelligence that also flows through us, and the more energy and life force that flows through us. Developing greater 1-21 toxins and poisons from our bodies, giving rapid relief to vital organs and body elements, such as the liver, kidneys, heart, the blood, lymph, nerves and glands, but it is a method that can greatly assist in removing old negative and suppressed emotions as well. So, all congestion and toxins must be removed and it begins with a change of the mind and heart. KEY 4: Stop Eating Harmful Foods The fourth KEY toward perfect health of the body is to stop eating "foods" that are dead, deficient, processed or toxic, for they cause mucus, excess acid, more toxins, and congestion (especially congestion of the intestinal tract). More on this later. KEY 5: Supply Needed Elements The fifth KEY toward lasting health is to supply the body with the needed elements of organically grown foods,^^clean air, pure water,^^alkaline minerals, and massive doses of Love andjoy.^T ests have shown that organically grown foods have twice the nutritional elements as the foods in regular supermarkets. Source: Robert F. Heltman, "Organic Food Is More Nutritious," Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, 1997; Nov.; Issue # 172; pg. 12. I do not believe that it is possible to maintain good health when eating the commerically grown foods people buy at regular supermarkets. Purchasing organically grown produce is essential, but better than that, eat organically grown produce out of your own garden. There is a major difference.^W ater without chlorine, fluoride or other poisonous contaminants. Chlorinated water is assocated with cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. M. Koivusalo; Rev. T. Vartianinen, "Drinking Water Chlorination By-Products and Cancer," Environmental Healtti, 1997; Apr-Jun; 12(2), pg. 81-90. Chlorine has also been linked to breast and colon cancer, low sperm counts, decreased testosterone levels and libido, suppression of the immune system, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, birth defects and other cancers. See "Chlorine, Human Health and the Environment: The Breast Cancer Warning," A Greenpeace report. 1436 U Street NW, Washington DC 20009, (202) 462-1 177.
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Toxicology, Environmental health, Popular works, Diseases, IntestinesEdition | Availability |
Cleanse & purify thyself: "and I will exalt thee to the throne of power" : book 1.5
1998, Triumph, Brand: Triumph Business Trust, Triumph Business Trust
0966497309 9780966497304
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- Created May 5, 2010
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