An edition of Alternadad (2007)


Neal Pollack

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An edition of Alternadad (2007)


A few years ago, Neal Pollack was probably the least likely father you've ever met: a pop-culture-obsessed writer and self-styled party guy known mostly for outrageous literary antics. In typical fashion, he responded to the birth of his son by forming a mediocre rock band and taking it on tour. Now, in Alternadad, he tells the hilarious and poignant story of how he learned to be a father to his son, Elijah, after the failure of his short-lived rock 'n' roll dreams.Pollack and his wife, Regina, were determined to raise their son without growing up too much themselves. They welcomed the responsibility but were worried that they'd become uptight and out of touch. Through the ups and downs of the first years of their son's life their determination is put to the test, and they find themselves changing in ways they never expected, particularly after Elijah develops a biting problem in preschool.Alternadad is a refreshingly honest book about the wonders, terrors, and idiocies of parenting today. From enrolling his son in an absurd corporate gymnastics class to a disastrous visit to a rock festival to uncomfortable encounters with other parents whom he'd ordinarily avoid, Pollack candidly explores the everyday struggles and the long-term compromises that come with parenthood.Mixing ironic skepticism with an appreciation for the absurdities of everyday life, Alternadad is a portrait of a new version of the American family: responsible if unorthodox parents raising kids who know the difference between the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. Wildly funny, surprising, and often moving, it just might be the parenting bible for a new generation of mothers and fathers.From the Hardcover edition.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Alternadad
Alternadad: The True Story of One Family's Struggle to Raise a Cool Kid in America
February 12, 2008, Anchor
Paperback in English - Reprint edition
Cover of: Alternadad
2007, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
E-book in English
Cover of: Alternadad
January 2007, Recorded Books
Audio CD in English
Cover of: Alternadad
2007, Pantheon Books
in English - 1st ed.
Cover of: Alternadad
January 9, 2007, Pantheon
in English

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New York

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October 7, 2017 Edited by MARC Bot merge duplicate works of 'Alternadad'
September 15, 2012 Edited by VacuumBot Updated format 'eBook' to 'E-book'; Removed author from Edition (author found in Work)
April 28, 2011 Edited by OCLC Bot Added OCLC numbers.
June 22, 2010 Created by ImportBot Imported from marc_overdrive MARC record