Pojmovnik slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945

Pojmi, gibanja, skupine, težnje

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Last edited by George
September 29, 2010 | History

Pojmovnik slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945

Pojmi, gibanja, skupine, težnje

  • 1 Want to read

"V zgoščenih, informacijsko bogatih geslih knjiga osvetljuje ključna gibanja, skupine, pojme in pojave, ki so se uveljavili in odločilno vplivali na potek zgodovine slovenske likovne umetnosti v zadnjih šestih desetletij, od socrealistične umetnosti do NSK. To je prvi sistematični poskus strokovne obdelave celotne zgodovine slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945 pa do danes. Zaradi geselske obravnave fenomenov bodo na enem mestu hkrati zbrani osnovni podatki in ovrednotenje pojavov, skupaj z esencialno literaturo za nadaljnje branje in študij." - source

Glossary of Slovenian Art post 1945. Concepts, movements, groups, tendencies
"The dense, information-rich book illuminates key passwords, movements, groups, concepts and phenomena that have been developed and decisively influenced the course of the history of Slovenian art in the last six decades of socialist realist art to NSK. This is the first systematic attempt at professional processing the entire history of Slovenian art after 1945 till today. Because hearing phenomena Entries will be in one place simultaneously collected basic data and evaluation of phenomena, together with essential literature for further reading and study." (Google translation)

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September 29, 2010 Edited by George Found synopsis (in Slovenian); added translation by google; subjects
September 29, 2010 Edited by George Edited without comment.
September 28, 2010 Edited by Bogo Zupančič Added new cover
September 28, 2010 Edited by Bogo Zupančič Edited without comment.
September 28, 2010 Created by Bogo Zupančič Added new book.