Divination and interpretation of signs in the ancient world

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January 3, 2023 | History

Divination and interpretation of signs in the ancient world

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Divination and interpretation of signs in the ancient world
2010, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

On the beginnings and continuities of omen sciences in the ancient world / Amar Annus
"If P, then Q" : form and reasoning in Babylonian divination / Francesca Rochberg
Greek philosophy and signs / James Allen
Three strikes and you're out! A view on cognitive theory and the first-millennium extispicy ritual / Ulla Susanne Koch
Arousing images : the poetry of divination and the divination of poetry / Edward L. Shaughnessy
The theory of knowledge and the practice of celestial divination / Niek Veldhuis
Reading the tablet, the exta, and the body : the hermeneutics of cuneiform signs in Babylonian and Assyrian text commentaries and divinatory texts / Eckart Frahm
"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign" : script, power, and interpretation in the ancient Near East / Scott B. Noegel
The calculation of the stipulated term in extispicy / Nils P. Hee€el
The divine presence and its interpretation in early Mesopotamian divination / Abraham Winitzer
Physiognomy in ancient Mesopotamia and beyond : from practice to handbook / Barbara Böck
On seeing and believing : liver divination and the era of warring states (II) / Seth F.C. Richardson
Divination and oracles at the Neo-Assyrian palace : the importance of signs in royal ideology / Cynthia Jean
Prophecy as a form of divination; divination as a form of prophecy / JoAnn Scurlock
Traces of the omen series Šumma izbu in Cicero, De divinatione / John Jacobs
Prophecy and omen divination : two sides of the same coin / Martti Nissinen.

Edition Notes

Proceedings from the fifth annual University of Chicago Oriental Institute Seminar, held March 6-7, 2009.

Includes bibliographical references.

Published in
Chicago, Ill
Oriental Institute seminars -- no. 6, University of Chicago Oriental Institute seminars -- no. 6.


Library of Congress
BF1777 .D58 2010, BF1777.D58 2010

The Physical Object

viii, 351 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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January 3, 2023 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
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October 21, 2010 Created by ImportBot Imported from Library of Congress MARC record