Harry Potter y la camara secreta

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  • 4.2 (425 ratings) ·
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Last edited by ISBNbot2
July 27, 2021 | History

Harry Potter y la camara secreta

  • 4.2 (425 ratings) ·
  • 4,127 Want to read
  • 359 Currently reading
  • 800 Have read

En el espacio entre dos ventanas, brillando a la luz que arrojaban las antorchas, había en el muro unas palabras pintadas de más de un palmo de altura:


Cuando Dobby, el elfo doméstico, aparece en Privet Drive e insiste en que Harry no debe volver a Hogwarts, éste sospecha que su rival, Draco Malfoy, tiene algo que ver. Sin embargo, después de que Ron lo rescate de casa de los Dursley en un coche volador, Harry pasa junto a los Weasley el resto del verano en La Madriguera, donde las distracciones mágicas le hacen olvidar las advertencias del elfo.

Pero de regreso en Hogwarts, un mensaje siniestro pintado en el muro de un corredor oscuro confirma los augurios de Dobby de que cosas terribles están
a punto de suceder...

Jim Kay, ganador del premio Kate Greenaway, representa el mundo de los magos con gran detalle en esta edición ilustrada del segundo título de la saga de J. K. Rowling, un libro perfecto tanto para fans incondicionales como para nuevos lectores.

«Las ilustraciones de Jim Kay me emocionaron profundamente. Me encanta su interpretación del mundo de Harry Potter, y para mí es un verdadero honor que haya aportado su talento a esta nueva edición.» J.K. Rowling
Source: http://salamandra.info/libro/harry-potter-y-camara-secreta-edicion-ilustrada

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Previews available in: English Romanian German French Chinese Modern Greek Czech

Edition Availability
Cover of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2021, Large Print Press
paperback in English - 2003 large print edition (8)
Cover of: Harry Potter și camera secretelor
Harry Potter și camera secretelor
2016, Arthur
hardcover in Romanian
Cover of: Harry Potter y la camara secreta
Harry Potter y la camara secreta
2016, salamandra
in Spanish
Cover of: Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
2013-08-01, Carlsen Verlag GmbH
in German
Cover of: Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
2008, Gallimard-Jeunesse
in French - Edition déluxe
Cover of: 哈利 ・波特与密室
哈利 ・波特与密室
2007, 人民文学
in Chinese
Cover of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2004, Bloomsbury
paperback in English - paperback edition (1)
Cover of: O Hari Poter kai e kamara me ta mystika
O Hari Poter kai e kamara me ta mystika
2002, Psichogios
in Modern Greek
Cover of: Harry Potter a tajemná komnata
Harry Potter a tajemná komnata
2002, Albatros
hardcover in Czech
Cover of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2000, Raincoast Books
paperback in English - printing (6)
Cover of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
1999, Scholastic
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Harry Potter #2
Translation Of
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Translated From

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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Work Description

Throughout the summer holidays after his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter has been receiving sinister warnings from a house-elf called Dobby.

Now, back at school to start his second year, Harry hears unintelligible whispers echoing through the corridors.

Before long the attacks begin: students are found as if turned to stone.

Dobby’s predictions seem to be coming true.



Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive.
added by Lisa.

first sentence

I would say that the main reason I am reading this book is because my whole family read the book series and it was still a little hard for me to read but I started the series when I was in second grade but it was still to hard so I stopped and started aging in 4th grade and now I am still reading the series over and over and over again because I love Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling.
Page 341, added by Audrey Berns.

I recommend this book for anyone who loves fantasy.

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Community Reviews (12)

Pace 6 Medium paced 57% Meandering 28% Fast paced 14% Enjoyability 9 Exciting 63% Engaging 27% Boring 9% Clarity 4 Well organized 37% Effective explanations 25% Clearly written 12% Confusing 12% Succinct 12% Difficulty 5 Intermediate 50% Juvenile 16% Beginner 16% Advanced 16% Breadth 5 Comprehensive 66% Focused 33% Genres 7 Fantasy 28% Fiction 19% Mystery 19% Humor 9% Action 9% Classic 4% Paranormal 4% Drama 4% Mood 6 Strange 13% Suspenseful 13% Mysterious 10% Inspiring 6% Calm 6% Humorous 6% Emotional 6% Cheerful 6% Tense 6% Dark 3% Sad 3% Dry 3% Lighthearted 3% Ominous 3% Hopeful 3% Impressions 7 Highly recommend 38% Quotable 15% Recommend 7% Best in class 7% Don't recommend 7% Original 7% Overhyped 7% Underrated 7% Length 6 Medium 50% Long 33% Short 16% Credibility 4 Accurate 40% Subjective 40% Trendy 20% Features 5 Chapters 57% Table of contents 28% Illustrations 14% Content Warnings 2 Trigger warnings 66% Insensitivity 33% Style 3 Neologisms 66% Olde 33% Purpose 7 Entertainment 70% Inspiration 20% Hope 10%


Download catalog record: RDF / JSON / OPDS | Wikipedia citation
July 27, 2021 Edited by ISBNbot2 normalize ISBN
April 12, 2020 Edited by lisaBot moving edition(s) to primary work
August 30, 2018 Edited by Lisa Edited without comment.
August 30, 2018 Edited by Lisa Moved edition to primary work.
December 21, 2016 Created by Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Albacete Added new book.