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History, Discovery and explorationPlaces
AmericaEdition | Availability |
The history of America
1787, printed for F.A. Schraembl, corner in the Karnthner-Street, Nro. 1053.
in English
Book Details
Edition Notes
Originally published London, 1777, in two volumes in quarto.
A new edition, in 3 volumes in octavo, without the bibliography of Spanish books and manuscripts and without maps. Contains Books I-VIII, the history of the discovery of America and the conquest of Mexico and Peru.
Publisher's street address in v. 3 given as "Karthner-Street"
Signatures: v. 1: [a]⁸ b² A-Z⁸ 2A² (-2A2; [a]1 verso, b2 verso, X3 verso, X4 verso blank); v. 2: pi1 A-2K⁸ chi1 (pi1 verso, 2D8 verso, chi1 verso blank); v. 3: pi⁴ A-2G⁸ 2H-2K⁴ (pi1 verso, 2A7 verso blank). Volume number in direction line of gathering P in v. 1 erroneously given as "Tom. II."
Volume 1: p. 335 misnumb.: "355"; v. 2: p. 453 misnumb.: "45"; v. 3: p. 396 misnumb.: "496"; v. 3: p. 470 misnumb.: "170"
Errata (v. 3: p. [32] at end of work)
"Short account of what is contained in the letter sent to the Emperor, mentioned Preface, p. 37." (v. 3: p. [471]-472)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Sabin 71973n.
Dippel, H. Americana Germanica, 440.
John Carter Brown Library copy bound in contemporary half calf and paper boards, in 3 volumes. The present copy has no illustrations, but some copies apparently have a folded leaf of plates in v. 3.
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- Created May 18, 2018
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