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Twenty-five years ago, in their haunted hometown of Derry, Maine, four boys bravely stood together and saved a mentally challenged child from vicious local bullies. It was something that fundamentally changed them, in ways they could never begin to understand. These lifelong friends—now with separate lives and separate problems—make it a point to reunite every year for a hunting trip deep in the snowy Maine woods. This time, though, chaos erupts when a stranger suddenly stumbles into their camp, freezing, deliriously mumbling about lights in the sky. And all too quickly, the four companions are plunged into a horrifying struggle for survival with an otherworldly threat and the forces that oppose it...where their only chance of survival is locked into their shared past—and the extraordinary element that bonds them all...
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male friendship, life on other planets, telepathy, Down Syndrome, psychological fiction, extraterrestrial beings, hunting, friendship, Fiction, Human-alien encounters, Fear, Fantasy Fiction, Roman fantastique, Audiobooks, hunting stories, camping, Fiction, horror, Maine, fiction, American literature, LITERATURE, NOVEL, Horror fiction, Science/Fantasy Fiction, Fiction, suspense, Spanish fiction, Literatura estadounidense, Novela, Rencontres avec les extraterrestres, Romans, nouvelles, Seres extraterrestres, General & Literary Fiction, Horror & ghost stories, Literary, Fiction - Horror, Movie/Tv Tie-Ins, Horror - General, Fiction / Literary, Movie-TV Tie-In - General, Suspense, Large print books, Fiction / GeneralPeople
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Maine, Derry, Hole-in-the-Wall, Jefferson TractShowing 10 featured editions. View all 55 editions?
Edition | Availability |
2017-03, Pocket Books
Mass Market Paperback
in English
- Pocket Books paperback edition (2)
1501156756 9781501156755
2007, Hodder
Mass Market Paperback
in English
- Hodder paperback (2)
0340952407 9780340952405
03 |
04 |
2002, Pocket Books
Mass Market Paperback
in English
- Movie Tie-In Edition; 1st Pocket Books printing (1)
0743467523 9780743467520
Cazador de Sueños
2002, Plaza y Janes
in Spanish
- Limited 1st edition
1400002257 9781400002252
2002-11, Editions France Loisirs
in French
- Edition du Club France Loisirs
2744158070 9782744158070
08 |
El cazador de sueños: [dreamcatcher]
2001-10, Plaza & Janés Editores
in Spanish
- Primera edición
8401014794 9788401014796
10 |
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Dreamcatcher is a 2001 science fiction horror novel by American writer Stephen King, featuring elements of body horror, suspense and alien invasion.
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- Created April 16, 2019
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August 15, 2024 | Edited by lisaBot | remove edition authors |
August 4, 2024 | Edited by AgentSapphire | // |
December 8, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
May 9, 2021 | Edited by Lisa | Added new cover |
April 16, 2019 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from record |