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Pseudodifferential methods are central to the study of partial differential equations, because they permit an "algebraization." A replacement of compositions of operators in n-space by simpler product rules for thier symbols. The main purpose of this book is to set up an operational calculus for operators defined from differential and pseudodifferential boundary values problems via a resolvent construction. A secondary purposed is to give a complete treatment of the properties of the calculus of pseudodifferential boundary problems with transmission, both the first version by Boutet de Monvel (brought completely up to date in this edition) and in version containing a parameter running in an unbounded set. And finally, the book presents some applications to evolution problems, index theory, fractional powers, spectral theory and singular perturbation theory. In this second edition the author has extended the scope and applicability of the calculus wit original contributions and perspectives developed in the years since the first edition. A main improvement is the inclusion of globally estimated symbols, allowing a treatment of operators on noncompact manifolds. Many proofs have been replaced by new and simpler arguments, giving better results and clearer insights. The applications to specific problems have been adapted to use these improved and more concrete techniques. Interest continues to increase among geometers and operator theory specialists in the Boutet de Movel calculus and its various generalizations. Thus the book’s improved proofs and modern points of view will be useful to research mathematicians and to graduate students studying partial differential equations and pseudodifferential operators. From a review of the first edition: "The book is well written, and it will certainly be useful for everyone interested in boundary value problems and spectral theory." -Mathematical Reviews, July 1988
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Previews available in: English
Boundary value problems, Pseudodifferential operators, Operatortheorie, Randwaardeproblemen, Problèmes aux limites, Opérateurs pseudo-différentiels, Pseudodifferentialoperator, Randwertproblem, Differential calculus, Partial Differential equations, Functional analysis, Mathematics, Differential Equations, Differential equations, partial, Ordinary Differential EquationsEdition | Availability |
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems
2013, Birkhäuser Boston
in English
1461268958 9781461268956
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems
2012, Birkhauser Verlag
in English
146120769X 9781461207696
Functional calculus of pseudodifferential boundary problems
1996, Birkhäuser
in English
- 2nd ed.
0817637389 9780817637385
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems
1996, Island Press
in English
1461207703 9781461207702
Functional calculus of pseudo-differential boundary problems
1986, Birkhäuser
in English
0817633499 9780817633493
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