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"Command the murderous chalices! Drink ye harpooners! Drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow -- Death to Moby Dick!" So Captain Ahab binds his crew to fulfil his obsession -- the destruction of the great white whale. Under his lordly but maniacal command the Pequod's commercial mission is perverted to one of vengeance. To Ahab, the monster that destroyed his body is not a creature, but the symbol of "some unknown but still reasoning thing." Uncowed by natural disasters, ill omens, even death, Ahab urges his ship towards "the undeliverable, nameless perils of the whale." Key letters from Melville to Nathaniel Hawthorne are printed at the end of this volume. - Back cover.
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American Sea stories, Mentally ill, Whaling, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Whales, great_books_of_the_western_world, Translations into French, Literature, Captain Ahab (Fictitious character), American Adventure stories, Sailors, Sea stories, Classic Literature, Whaling in literature, Young Adult Fiction, Open Library Staff Picks, open_syllabus_project, Fiction, Ship captains, Whaling ships, Juvenile fiction, Chasse, Whales in literature, Shipwrecks, Baleines, Long Now Manual for Civilization, General, Children: Grades 4-6, American fiction (fictional works by one author), Ahab, captain (fictitious character), fiction, Whaling, fiction, Children's fiction, Whales, fiction, Fiction, action & adventure, Fiction, psychological, Literature and fiction (general), Fiction, sea stories, Fiction, fantasy, epic, Poetry (poetic works by one author), Melville, herman, 1819-1891, American literature, history and criticism, Sea stories, history and criticism, Literature and fiction, action and adventure, Illustrations, Pictorial works, Drama (dramatic works by one author), Picture-writing in literature, Readers (Primary), Readers for new literates, Adventure and adventurers, fiction, Ballenas, Ficción, Capitanes de barcos, Enfermos mentales, Naufragios, Cuentos de mar, Novela psicológica, Romance literature, Epic literature, Adventure fiction, Allegories, Whalers (Persons), Drama, Revenge, Prohibition, Achab (Personnage fictif), Romans, nouvelles, Capitaines de navire, Personnes vivant avec un trouble de santé mentale, Action & Adventure, Walfang, Moby Dick (Melville, Herman), Fiction, historical, general, Fiction, general, Moby Dick, Literatura infantil, Ahab, captain (fictitious character), Ahab, captain (fictitious character)--fiction, Whales--fiction, Whaling--fiction, Ps2384.m6 m45 1992, 813/.3, Whaling ships--fiction, Ship captains--fiction, Mentally ill--fiction, Ps2384 .m6 2001c, Shipwrecks--fiction, Sailors--fiction, Ps2384 .m6 2003b, Melville, herman , 1819-1891, Ps2384 .m6 2002, Comics & graphic novels, general, Comic books, strips, etc., Fate and fatalism, Symbolism, Récits de merPeople
Herman Melville (1819-1891), Ishmael, Ahab, Starbuck, Stubb, Flask, Queequeg, Tashtego, Daggoo, Fedallah, PipPlaces
Massachusetts, Nantucket, New Bedford, Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian OceanTimes
19th centuryShowing 16 featured editions. View all 1117 editions?
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Moby Dick: die Jagd nach dem weissen Wal
1994, Ensslin und Laiblin
in German
- 175. - 177. Tsd.
3770901010 9783770901012
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Chapter XLI: Moby Dick
Chapter LVIII: Brit
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- Created April 1, 2008
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