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In cultura globala actuala, traducerea ocupa o pozitie ambigua, fiind in acelasi timp omniprezenta si invizibila. Totul se traduce si se propaga aproape instantaneu, autorii, ideile si operele ajungand sa traiasca simultan mai multe vieti diferite in limbi si culturi diferite. Cu toate acestea, ideea de traducere continua sa fie ocultata, marginalizata, privita ca un apendice, statutul de autor al traducatorilor continuand sa ramana incert. Ipoteza cartii de fata, nascuta din marea experienta de traducator a lui Bogdan Ghiu, este ca traducerea reprezinta o cale sui generis, ireductibila, materializarea unei atitudini in acelasi timp echitabile si productive atat fata de Celalalt, cat si fata de noi insine. O cale paradoxal eliberatoare, de unde si semnificatia de manifest a acestui eseu: Totul trebuie tradus.
In today's global culture, translation occupies an ambiguous position, being at the same time ubiquitous and invisible. Everything is translated and propagated almost instantly, the authors, ideas and works coming to live simultaneously several different lives in different languages and cultures. However, the idea of translation continues to be obscured, marginalized, seen as an appendix, the authorship of translators continuing to remain uncertain. The hypothesis of this book, born from Bogdan Ghiu's great experience as a translator, is that translation represents a sui generis, irreducible way, the materialization of an attitude that is at the same time fair and productive both towards the Other and towards ourselves. A paradoxically liberating way, hence the manifest meaning of this essay: Everything must be translated.
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Translating and interpretingEdition | Availability |
Totul trebuie tradus: noua paradigmă : (un manifest)
2015, Cartea Românească
in Romanian
9732331011 9789732331019
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- Created December 18, 2022
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