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History, Judaism, Customs and practices, Jewish philosophy, Jewish art, Rabbis, Portraits, Judentum, Kultur, TalmudPeople
Daniel SperberEdition | Availability |
Darkhe Daniyel: meḥḳarim be-madʻe ha-Yahadut li-khevod ha-Rav Profesor Daniyel Shperber
2017, Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan
in Hebrew
9652264016 9789652264015
Book Details
Table of Contents
Balsam : the most expensive perfume plant in the ancient world / Zohar Amar and David Iluz
In professoris Sperber vestigiis adnotationes Rabbinicae Graeco-Romanae / Howard Jacobson
Levers and automata in the Land of Israel in the Roman-Byzantine period (Hebrew) / Meir Bar-Ilan
Maimonides and Jerusalem : on the literary features of Mishneh Torah (Hebrew) / David Henshke
Tithing in the New Testament (Hebrew) / Ze'ev Safrai and Martin Vahrenhorst
"An onion of idolatry" : a study in Talmudic realia (Hebrew) / Emmanuel Friedheim
Action through illusion - Talmudic law on sorcery (Hebrew) / Shamma Friedman
Unique formularies in the ketubah based on the meeting of different communities (Hebrew) / Yosef Rivlin
On the significance of "and all remain for the time to come" (Hebrew) / Zvi Arie Steinfeld
The opening section of Midrash Exodus Rabbah II (Ex.R. 15:1) (Hebrew) / Avigdor Shinan
Minhagim : divinity and diversity / Marc D. Angel
On leniencies and stringencies in halakhic ruling (Hebrew) / Michael Abraham
Methods for enhancing modern communal prayer in light of customs of the K'hal Adath Jeschurun Synagogue in Frankfurt (Hebrew) / Aaron Ahrend
Humanistic halakhah : on understanding the nature of the approach of Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber to halakhah and its determination (Hebrew) / Aviad Yehiel Hollander
Some rare versions in medieval prayer books (Hebrew) / Moshe Hallamish
Niddah in the synagogue : new sources (Hebrew) / Simcha Emanuel
Custom in the 'Arukh ha-shulḥan and custom in Mishnah berurah (Hebrew) / Levi Cooper
Prayer customs between Poland and Ashkenaz : initial considerations of the influence of the customs of Rabbi Isaac Tyrnau (Hebrew) / Meir Raffeld
A response from Rabbi Israel Refael Kimchi of Zefat about Birkhat ha'gomel and its connection to Yom ha'atzma'ut (Hebrew) / Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel
"Pour out Thy wrath" : the history of the custom (Hebrew) / Joseph Tabory
Women before the bet din in early modern France : the evidence from Metz / Jay R. Berkovitz
Porta Capena / Ranon Katzoff
The new heavens in the New World : the religious Hebraism of Samuel K. Mirsky / Yehudah Mirsky
Samson Raphael Hirsch and orthodoxy : a contested legacy / Marc B. Shapiro
The emergence of the Tosafistic dialectic (Hebrew) / Avraham Grossman
Is rabbinic literature relevant to deciphering archaeological finds? (Hebrew) / Zeev Weiss
"The wisdom of Greek" : on the attitude towards philosophy in the Talmud and in the Middle Ages (Hebrew) / Raphael Jospe
Jewish historiography in the days of the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud : its fading, its renewed efflorescence, and its demise (Hebrew) / Chaim Milikowsky
A note on two halakhot of Mishneh Torah : the prohibition of making images (Hebrew) / Dov Schwartz
Jerusalem : the capital of Hebrew suffrage (Hebrew) / Margalit Shilo
The adventure of the two rabbis who looked almost exactly alike : a study in Jewish iconography / Sid Z. Leiman
Aufertur velamen : Moses' horns and Synagoga's veil / Elisheva Revel-Neher
Capturing the ineffable : the Tetragrammaton in synagogue art of Romanian Moldavia / Ilia Rodov
Every word counts : deciphering micrography's text flow (Hebrew) / Dalia-Ruth Halperin
The tower-like Torah finial in North Africa : its origins, distribution, craftsmen and influence (Hebrew) / Bracha Yaniv
Images of "holy fire" and its significance in Jewish and Byzantine-Christian art (Hebrew) / Shulamit Laderman
Joel ben Simeon looking at the margins of society (Hebrew) / Katrin Kogman-Appel
"A love that does not corrupt" : art in the sphere of traditional and religious Judaism in Israel (Hebrew) / David Sperber.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
"Bibliografyah : kitve ha-Rav Profesor Daniyel Shperber"--Pages 681-706.
Articles in Hebrew and some in English; table of contents also in English.
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