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"Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BCE, was the son of Nicomachus, a physician, and Phaestis. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367-347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil, Hermeias, in Asia Minor and at this time married Pythias, one of Hermeias's relations. After some time at Mitylene, in 343-2 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip's death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of 'Peripatetics'), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander's death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322. Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics and metaphysics."--Publisher description.
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Previews available in: English Italian Ancient Greek
Metaphysics, Early works to 1800, Metaphysica (Aristoteles), Rhetoric, ancient, Ethics, greece, Athens (greece), politics and government, Meteorology, early works to 1800, Aristotle, Philosophers, greece, Astronomy, early works to 1800, Animal locomotion, Philosophy, ancient, Rhetoric, Poetry, early works to 1800, Aesthetics, early works to 1800, Ancient Rhetoric, Poetry, Aesthetics, Esztétika, Irodalomelmélet, Költészet, Retorika, Rhétorique ancienne, Filosofia, Poétique, Rhétorique, Zoology, Pre-Linnean works, Philosophy, Collected Works, Classical philology, Philosophie, Ouvrages avant 1800, Filosofie, Poésie, Esthétique, 18.43 ancient Greek literature, 08.21 Ancient philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Science, Science, ancient, Ethics, Economics, Poetics, Métaphysique, Criticism and interpretation, Pa3893 .r3 1991, 808.0092, Linguistics & semiotics, Ancient greek philosophy, Metaphysics--early works to 1800, B434.a5 b67 1994, 110, Philosophy--early works to 1800, B407 .a26 1996, 185, B407 .f56 1995, Psychology, Early works to 1850, Greek literature, History and criticism, Theory, Literary form, Ancient Aesthetics, Horses, Folklore, Translations into English, Literary Style, The Sublime, Long Now Manual for CivilizationPeople
Aristotle, Aristotle (384-322 B.C), Demetrius, Demetrius of Phaleron (b. 350 B.C), Demetrius, of Phaleron, AristoteTimes
Ancient GreeceShowing 11 featured editions. View all 498 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Metaphysics - Aristotle
August 30, 2005, Nuvision Publications
in English
1595479791 9781595479792
02 |
03 |
04 |
Metaphysics: newly translated as a postscript to natural science, with an analytical index of technical terms
1952, Columbia University Press
in English
06 |
07 |
08 |
Aristotle on his predecessors: being the first book of his Metaphysics.
1907, Open Court Publishing Co.
10 |
The metaphysics of Aristotle: translated from the Greek, with copious notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas respecting numbers and ideas are unfolded from antient sources. To which is added, a dissertation on nullities and diverging series...
1801, Printed for the author, by Davis, Wilks, and Taylor
in English
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: v. 1, p. xxxv-xxxvi.
At head of title: Aristotle.
Greek and English on opposite pages.
Vol. II includes also the Oeconomica (spuriois) and the Magna moralia, with an English translation by G.C. Armstrong.
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 17 revisions
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February 27, 2025 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |