An edition of Forests of the heart (2000)

Forests of the heart

1st ed.
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An edition of Forests of the heart (2000)

Forests of the heart

1st ed.
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In the old century, they called them the Gentry: ancient spirits of the land, magical, amoral, and dangerous. When the Irish emigrated to North America, some of the Gentry followed...only to find that the New World already had spirits of its own, called manitou and other such names by the Native tribes.

Now generations have passed, and the Irish have made homes in the new land, but the Gentry still wander homeless on the city streets. Gathering in the city shadows, they bide their time and dream of power. As their dreams grow harder, darker, fiercer, so do the Gentry themselves -- appearing, to those with the sight to see them, as hard and dangerous men, invariably dressed in black.

Bettina can see the Gentry, and knows them for what they are. Part Indian, part Mexican, she was raised by her grandmother to understand the spirit world. Now she lives in Kellygnow, a massive old house run as an arts colony on the outskirts of Newford, a world away from the Southwestern desert of her youth. Outside her nighttime window, she often spies the dark men, squatting in the snow, smoking, brooding, waiting. She calls them los lobos, the wolves, and stays clear of them -- until the night one follows her to the woods, and takes her hand....

Ellie, and independent young sculptor, is another with magic in her blood, bus she refuses to believe it, even though she, too, sees the dark men. A strange old woman has summoned Ellie to Kellygnow to create a mask for her based on an ancient Celtic artifact. It is the mask of the mythic Summer King -- another thing that Ellie does not believe in. Yet lack of belief won't dim the power of the mask, or its dreadful intent.

Once again Charles de Lint weaves the mythic traditions of many cultures into a seamless cloth, bringing folklore, music, and unforgettable characters to life on modern city streets.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Forests of the Heart
Forests of the Heart
August 8, 2002, Gollancz, Orion Publishing Group, Limited
Paperback - New Ed edition
Cover of: Forests of the heart / Charles de Lint.
Forests of the heart / Charles de Lint.
2001, Gollancz
in English
Cover of: Forests of the heart
Forests of the heart
2001, Gollancz, Orion Publishing Group, Limited
in English
Cover of: Forests of the Heart (Newford)
Forests of the Heart (Newford)
August 11, 2001, Tor Books
Paperback in English
Cover of: Forests of the heart
Forests of the heart
2000, Tor
in English - 1st ed.

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Book Details

Edition Notes

"A Tom Doherty Associates book."

Published in
New York


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
PR9199.3.D357 F67 2000, PR9199.3.D357F67

The Physical Object

397 p. ;
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Library Thing

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First Sentence

"Like her sister, Bettina San Miguel was a small, slender woman in her mid-twenties, dark-haired and darker-eyed; part Indio, part Mexican, part something older still."

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