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Hajime - "Beginning" in Japanese - was an atypical only child growing up in a conventional middle-class suburb. Shimamoto, herself an only child, was cool and self-possessed, precocious in the extreme. After school these childhood sweethearts would listen to records, hold hands, and talk about their future. Then, despite themselves, in the way peculiar to adolescents, they grew apart, seemingly for good.
Now, facing middle age, finally content after years of aimlessness, Hajime is a successful nightclub owner, a husband and father, when he suddenly is reunited with Shimamoto, propelled into the mysteries of her life, and confronted by dark secrets she is loath to reveal. And so, reckless with enchantment and lust, Hajime prepares to risk everything in order to consummate his first love, and to experience a life he's dreamed of but never had a chance to realize.
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Showing 6 featured editions. View all 22 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Au sud de la frontière, à l'ouest du soleil
2012, À vue d'oeil
in French
- [Éd. en gros caractères].
2846666954 9782846666954
2 |
South of the border, west of the sun: a novel
March 14, 2000, Vintage
in English
- 1st Vintage International edition
0679767398 9780679767398
South of the border, west of the sun
1999, Knopf, Distributed by Random House
in English
0375402519 9780375402517
5 |
6 |
Book Details
First Sentence
"My birthday's the fourth of January, 1951."
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- Created April 29, 2008
- 16 revisions
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July 29, 2021 | Edited by Lisa | Merge works |
July 29, 2021 | Edited by Lisa | Merge works |
April 29, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |