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How to pencil, ink, letter and color for America's most popular medium! The masters of comic art discuss their craft explaining their approach to storytelling and the specifics of drawing art for the comic book medium. Heavily illustrated from the artists own works. Subjects include a step-by-step breakdown of the creation of a comic book page from initial concepto to pencils to lettering to inks to final coloring. An emphasis is on practical information the reader can apply in their own work.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
How to Draw Art for Comic Books
March 1996, Movie Publisher Services
in English
1556982542 9781556982545
2 |
How to Draw art for Comic Books: Lessons from the Masters
1989, Pioneer Books
in English
1556982542 9781556982545
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- Created April 30, 2008
- 6 revisions
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April 28, 2011 | Edited by OCLC Bot | Added OCLC numbers. |
August 10, 2010 | Edited by IdentifierBot | added LibraryThing ID |
April 24, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Fixed duplicate goodreads IDs. |
April 16, 2010 | Edited by bgimpertBot | Added goodreads ID. |
April 30, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |