Jordan, Michael (1963-) -- Jump Shot -- Kahn, Roger (1927-) -- Karras, Alex (1935-) -- King, Don (1931-) -- Kinsella, William P. (1935-) -- Knievel, Robert Craig ``Evel'' (1938-) -- Koufax, Sanford ``Sandy'' (1935-) -- Lacrosse -- Ladies Professional Golf Association -- Landry, Tom (1924-2000) -- Language of Sport -- Las Vegas, Nevada -- Latino Athletes -- Latino Sport -- Lewis, Carl (1961-) -- Literature, Sport in -- Little League -- London, Jack (1876-1916) -- Lopez, Nancy Marie (1957-) -- Louis, Joe (1914-1981) -- Luge -- Maclean, Norman (1902-1990) -- Madison Square Garden -- Madisons (Six-Day Races) -- Malamud, Bernard (1914-1986) -- Manley, Effa (1900-1981) -- Mantle, Mickey Charles (1931-1995) -- Marathons -- Marbles -- Marching Bands -- Maris, Roger (1934-1985) -- Marketing of Sport -- Martial Arts Films -- Martin, Alfred Manuel ``Billy,'' Jr. (1928-1989) -- Mathewson, Christopher ``Christy'' (1880-1925) -- Mays, Willie Howard, Jr. (1931-) -- Men's Issues -- Merriwell, Frank -- Metaphor, Sport as, for Life -- Mexico City Summer Olympic Games, 1968 -- Montana, Joe (1956-) -- Mountaineering -- Muscular Christianity -- Musial, Stanley “Stan the Man'' (1920-) -- Music and Sport -- Mythology of Sport -- Namath, Joe (1943-) -- do Nascimento, Edson Arantesm, “Pele'' (1940-) -- National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing -- National Baseball Hall of Fame -- National Basketball Association -- National Hockey League -- National Rifle Association -- Native American Athletes -- Native American Mascots -- Nazi Olympics -- Negro Baseball Leagues -- Negro League Teams and Their Communities -- Neiman, LeRoy (1927-) -- Nelson, Lindsey (1919-1995) -- Nicklaus, Jack (1940-) -- Nomo, Hideo (1968-) -- Oates, Joyce Carol (1938-) -- Olympic Boycotts: 1976, 1980, and 1984 -- Olympic Games -- Orr, Robert Gordon “Bobby'' (1948-) -- Outdoor Clubs -- Owens, James “Jesse'' Cleveland (1913-1980) -- Paige, Leroy “Satchel'' (1906-1982) -- Palmer, Arnold (1929-) -- Pan-American Games -- Parental Involvement -- Patriotism and Sport -- Patterson, Floyd (1935-) -- Payton, Walter (1954-1999) -- Petty, Richard (1937-) -- Photography, Sport in -- Playground Association of America -- Plimpton, George (1927-2003) -- Political Correctness -- Popular Culture and Sport -- President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports -- Professional Golfers' Association -- “Pumping Iron'' -- Racial Superiority, Myth of -- Radio Broadcasting -- Recruiting Violations, College -- Religion and Sport -- Rice, Grantland (1880-1954) -- Riots -- Robinson, Jack Roosevelt ``Jackie'' (1919-1972) -- Robinson, Sugar Ray (1920-1989) -- Rock Climbing -- Rockne, Knute (1888-1931) -- Rockwell, Norman (1894-1978) -- Rodeo -- Rodeo Clowns -- Rodeo versus Animal Rights Activists -- Rodman, Dennis (1962-) -- Roosevelt, Theodore ``Teddy'' (1858-1919) -- Rose, Pete (1941-) -- Roth, Philip (1933-) -- Rowing -- Rudolph, Wilma (1940-1994) -- Rugby -- Running -- Runyon, Damon (1884-1946) -- Russell, William “Bill'' Felton (1934-) -- Ruth, George Herman ”Babe,'' Jr. (1895-1948) -- Ryan, Lynn Nolan (1946-) -- Sailing -- Sandlot Baseball -- Schott, Marge (1928-) -- Scuba Diving -- Sculpture, Sport in -- Simpson, Orenthal James ``O. J.'' (1947-) -- Skateboarding -- Sneakers -- Soccer -- Sockalexis, Louis Francis (1871-1913) -- Softball -- Special Olympics -- Sport Cards -- Sport in Wars -- Sport Journalism -- Sport Law -- Sport Literature as Discipline -- Sport Slang -- Sports Illustrated -- Spring Training -- Stadiums -- Statistics of Sport -- Stengel, Casey (1890-1975) -- Steroids -- Sullivan, John L. (1858-1918) -- Sumo Wrestling -- Supreme Court Decisions -- Swimming -- Synchronized Swimming -- Team Colors and Symbols -- Team Names -- Television, Impact on Sport -- Thorpe, James “Jim'' Francis (1887-1953) -- Title IX -- Touch Football -- Tourism, Impact of Sport on -- Trevino, Lee Buck (1939-) -- Triathlon -- Tunney, Gene (1898-1978) -- Tyson, Mike (1966-) -- Umpires -- Updike, John (1932-) -- Upward Mobility, Sport as -- Urban Gymnasiums -- Valenzuela, Fernando (1960-) -- Ventura, Jesse (1951-) -- Video Arcades -- Video Games -- Wagner, “Gorgeous George'' Raymond (1915-1963) -- Wanderone, Rudolf, Jr., ``Minnesota Fats'' (ca. 1900/1913-1996) -- Wheaties -- “White Hope'' -- Whitworth, Kathy (1939-) -- Wide World of Sports -- Wild West Shows -- Williams, Ted (1918-2002) -- Wilson, August (1945-) -- Women and Fishing -- Women Bicyclists -- Women Sportscasters -- Women's Basketball -- Women's Basketball Hall of Fame -- Women's Issues -- Wooden, John (1910-) -- Woods, Eldrick ``Tiger'' (1975-) -- World Cup Competition -- World Football League -- World Hockey Association -- World Wrestling Federation -- Wrestling, Professional -- Wrigley Field -- X Games -- Yankee Stadium -- Yastrzemski, Carl (1939-) -- Young, Denton True “Cy'' (1867-1955) -- Zaharias, Mildred “Babe'' Didrikson (1914-1956).