An edition of Burma in revolt (1994)

Burma in Revolt

Opium and Insurgency Since 1948

2nd edition
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August 12, 2010 | History
An edition of Burma in revolt (1994)

Burma in Revolt

Opium and Insurgency Since 1948

2nd edition
  • 4 Want to read
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The product of thirteen years of research, interviews, and experience, this is the most authoritative book ever written on the interrelationship of drugs, insurgency, counterinsurgency, and politics in Burma.

Widely respected as one of the world's leading experts on Burma, Bertil Lintner has drawn on his extensive travels and personal meetings with rebel commanders, ethnic leaders, and other key figures to present a compelling and comprehensive picture of politics and society in a poor and bitterly divided country.

Fighting between the central government and myriad political and ethnic insurgencies entered its forty-seventh year in 1994, with no solution in sight. While other countries in the region are developing into freer, more open societies, once-democratic Burma has been ruled by a medieval military dictatorship since 1962.

The complex nexus between the drug problem, military rule, and Burma's civil war has rarely been considered when international narcotics agencies have evaluated the drug problem in the Golden Triangle. Consequently, millions of dollars have been wasted in a misguided effort to treat the problem as a localized vice, rather than addressing the underlying historical, social, and economic factors behind the drug explosion. Meanwhile, opium production is increasing steadily year by year.


This book aims to explore the inextricable links among Burma's booming drug production, insurgency, and counterinsurgency and to explain why the country has been unable to shake off over thirty years of military rule to build a modern democratic society. Burma's ethnic strife, the author argues, is not a peripheral problem confined to the country's border areas.

Without a lasting solution to ethnic divisions and the civil war they have fueled, Burma will remain a source of political despair - and the opium it grows will continue to flood the markets of the world.

Publish Date
Silkworm Books

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt
2020, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948
2019, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948
2019, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948
2019, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt
2019, Taylor & Francis Group, Routledge
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948
2019, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Burma in Revolt
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948
January 2000, Silkworm Books
Paperback in English - 2nd edition
Cover of: Burma in revolt
Burma in revolt: opium and insurgency since 1948
1999, Silkworm Books
in English - 2nd ed.
Cover of: Burma in revolt
Burma in revolt: opium and insurgency since 1948
1994, Westview Press
in English

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Book Details

The Physical Object

Number of pages
9 x 5.9 x 1.4 inches
1.9 pounds

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Library Thing

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August 12, 2010 Edited by IdentifierBot added LibraryThing ID
April 24, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Fixed duplicate goodreads IDs.
April 16, 2010 Edited by bgimpertBot Added goodreads ID.
April 14, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Linked existing covers to the edition.
April 30, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from record