An edition of Lip Service (1996)

Lip Service

The Truth About Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex and Friendship

First edition
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April 28, 2011 | History
An edition of Lip Service (1996)

Lip Service

The Truth About Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex and Friendship

First edition
  • 1 Want to read

Women aren't the best of friends, models of sisterly support, or paragons of emotional honesty. From the woman who sleeps with the boss, to the woman who tells her friend she looks fine when she doesn't, to the woman who pressures a male friend to have sex, no woman is immune to the impulses of envy, competitiveness, aggression, and coercion. None of this should come as a surprise women are human beings after all. Yet despite all evidence to the contrary, the myth of women's moral superiority persists.

And although gender roles are now more fluid than ever before, especially among the generations born after 1960, the rhetoric of polarization continues.

In Lip Service, journalist Kate Fillion challenges our cherished convictions about women's natural instincts and shows how our most ingrained beliefs about gender differences actually blind us to the complexities and contradictions in women's and men's behavior.

More important, she demonstrates in powerful terms how confining and self-destructive this skewed perspective is for women in all aspects of their lives - including office politics, their intimate relationships with men, their friendships with women, and their own self-images.

Based on extensive academic research and in-depth interviews with North American women and men, Lip Service paints a startling and ultimately very human portrait of the widening divide between women's actions and how we choose to interpret them. Acknowledging this is not antiwoman.

In fact, Kate Fillion so convincingly argues, confronting the darker side of women's behavior frees us from the unequal moral standards and restrictive typecasting of the currently accepted codes of conduct, and allows women to be honest about who they are and what they want.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Lip Service
Lip Service : The Truth about Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex, and Friendship
March 1, 1998, DIANE Publishing Company
Cover of: Lip Service
Lip Service: The Myth of Female Virtue in Love, Sex and Friendship
1997, HarperCollins Publishers
in English
Cover of: Lip Service
Lip Service: The Truth About Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex and Friendship
January 1997, Harper Collins Canada
Cover of: Lip Service
Lip Service: The Truth About Women's Darker Side in Love, Sex and Friendship
January 1997, Harper Collins Canada
Paperback - First edition
Cover of: Lip service
Lip service: the truth about women's darker side in love, sex, and friendship
1996, HarperCollins Publishers
in English - 1st ed.
Cover of: Lip service
Lip service: the truth about women's darker side in love, sex, and friendship
1996, HarperCollinsPublishers
in English - 1st ed.

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April 28, 2011 Edited by OCLC Bot Added OCLC numbers.
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April 24, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Fixed duplicate goodreads IDs.
April 16, 2010 Edited by bgimpertBot Added goodreads ID.
April 30, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from record