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Really elided first volume of O'Toole's autobiography. Those hot for chat about the star's great films (Lawrence of Arabia, etc.) and the great actors and drinkers with whom he has worked and busted up the world must wait for the next installment. Born in 1932 in (perhaps) Ireland (a fact counterfacted by there being an English as well as an Irish birth record), and raised as a native of the now vanished (he says) town of Hunsbeck in Yorkshire, O'Toole writes in a lingual ecstasy whose charms will enfroth many and will often have readers untangling congested diction, including baby talk much like Joyce's in his portrait of the artist as a young moo-cow and a striving for hip underclass lyricism of a richness much like Dylan Thomas's brush-work on the fey folk of Under Milk Wood (O'Toole played Captain Cat in the film version). One must go with O'Toole and his inner merriment; at times, he strikes off an engaging passage for which his mannered voice fits the action. Less happily, O'Toole sandbags us with a halfpenny life of Adolf Hitler as seen through the eyes of Childe Peter--a third of the book! All right, Hitler loomed large, but O'Toole's Adolf is both a boy's reaction to newsreel Nazis (Childhood meant war, barbed wire...'') and a skim from standard Hitler bios. Better moments include his tour in the Royal Navy (
My sea had been black; black and grey with great lumps of roaring white water crashing over our bows to rush swilling along the lurching deck. Often I had stood, gloved hands gripping a rail or a stanchion, just gazing, awed by this immense world of black and brutal water''), and his rather pastel auditions for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. Too, his sporting dad's life as a bookie, thumbed onto the page with large gobs of paint, looms big in his limericky dashabout high jinks. High lumpen. Wordsman, be spare. (Photographs.)
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Loitering With Intent: The Apprentice
February 1997, Hyperion Books
in English
0786860650 9780786860654
Loitering With Intent: The Child
February 1997, Hyperion Books (Adult Trd Pap)
in English
0786881968 9780786881963
Loitering With Intent: The Apprentice
August 1997, Pan Books
in English
- New Ed edition
0330352083 9780330352086
04 |
Loitering With Intent: The Child (Transaction Large Print Books)
March 1995, Isis Large Print Books
in English
- Largeprint edition
1856950514 9781856950510
Loitering with Intent: The Child
August 1, 1993, Pan Publishing
in English
- New Ed edition
0330331388 9780330331388
Loitering With Intent: The Child
April 1993, Hyperion Books
in English
- 1st ed edition
1562828231 9781562828233
08 |
09 |
10 |
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- Created April 30, 2008
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