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andre norton

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  • Cover of: The Time Traders
    Cover of edition timetraders00nort Cover of edition timetradersgalac00nort Cover of edition timetraders00nort First published in 1958 37 editions work

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  • Cover of: Star Born
    Cover of edition starborn00nort First published in 1957 37 editions work

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  • Cover of: Plague Ship
    Cover of edition plagueship0000nort_z2p3 Cover of edition solarqueenplague00nort First published in 1956 33 editions work

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  • Cover of: Key Out of Time
    Cover of edition keyoutoftime00nort Cover of edition keyoutoftime0000andr First published in 1963 21 editions work

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  • Cover of: Storm over Warlock
    Cover of edition stormoverwarlock00nort Cover of edition stormoverwarlock0000nort First published in 1960 22 editions work

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  • Cover of: Lord of Thunder

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  • Cover of: Ralestone Luck
    Cover of edition ralestoneluck0000nort Cover of edition isbn_9781421827339 First published in 1938 17 editions work

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  • Cover of: Web of the Witch World
    Cover of edition isbn_4418782095 Cover of edition webofwitchworldnort00nort Cover of edition webofwitchworld00nort Cover of edition webofwitchworld0000unse First published in 1964 15 editions work

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  • Cover of: Sargasso of Space
    First published in 1955 14 editions work
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  • Cover of: Star Guard
    Cover of edition starguard0000nort Cover of edition starguard00nort First published in 1955 12 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Defiant Agents
    Cover of edition defiantagents0000nort Cover of edition defiantagents00nort First published in 1962 11 editions work

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  • Cover of: Secret of the Lost Race
    Cover of edition secretoflostrace00nort Cover of edition secretlostrace00nort First published in 1959 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Zero Stone
    Cover of edition zerostone00nort Cover of edition jernmurdoczerost00nort First published in 1968 11 editions work

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  • Cover of: Three Against the Witch World
    Cover of edition threeagainstwitc00nort_983 First published in 1965 11 editions work

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  • Cover of: Night of Masks
    Cover of edition nightofmasks00nort First published in 1964 11 editions work

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  • Cover of: Galactic Derelict
    Cover of edition galacticderelict00nort Cover of edition galacticderelict00nort_391 First published in 1959 13 editions work

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  • Cover of: Star Gate
    First published in 1958 12 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Beast Master
    Cover of edition beastmaster00nort Cover of edition beastmaster00nort_572 First published in 1959 9 editions work

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  • Cover of: Iron Cage
    Cover of edition ironcage0000nort Cover of edition ironcage00nort First published in 1974 9 editions work

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  • Cover of: The X Factor
    Cover of edition xfactorn00nort Cover of edition xfactoracesfg00nort First published in 1965 8 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Crossroads of Time
    Cover of edition crossroadstime00nort First published in 1966 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Star Ka'at

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  • Cover of: Operation Time Search
    Cover of edition operationtimesea0000nort Cover of edition operationtimesea00nort Cover of edition operationtimesea00nort_829 First published in 1967 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Moon of Three Rings
    Cover of edition moonofthreerings00nort Cover of edition freetradersmoont00nort First published in 1966 8 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Jargoon Pard
    Cover of edition jargoonpardthefo00nort First published in 1974 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Uncharted Stars
    Cover of edition unchartedstars00nort Cover of edition unchartedstars00nort Cover of edition jernmurdockuncha00nort First published in 1969 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: Postmarked the Stars
    Cover of edition postmarkedstars00andr First published in 1969 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Ice Crown

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  • Cover of: Quest Crosstime
    Cover of edition questcrosstime0000nort Cover of edition questcrosstime00nort First published in 1965 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Warlock of the Witch World

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  • Cover of: The Stars Are Ours
    First published in 1954 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: Star rangers
    Cover of edition starrangers00nort First published in 1953 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: High Sorcery
    Cover of edition highsorcery00nort First published in 1970 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Forerunner
    Cover of edition forerunner00nort First published in 1981 6 editions work

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  • Cover of: Dark Piper
    Cover of edition darkpiper00nort_593 First published in 1968 6 editions work

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  • Cover of: Sea Siege
    Cover of edition seasiege00nort First published in 1957 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Crystal Gryphon
    Cover of edition crystalgryphon00nort_779 First published in 1972 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Wraiths of Time
    First published in 1976 6 editions work

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  • Cover of: Huon of the Horn
    Cover of edition huonhorn00nort First published in 1951 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Sorceress of the Witch World
    First published in 1968 9 editions work

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  • Cover of: Knave of Dreams

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  • Cover of: 'Ware Hawk
    Cover of edition warehawk0000nort Cover of edition warehawk0000nort_k5r7 Cover of edition warehawkwitchwor00nort First published in 1983 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Elvenbane: an epic high fantasy of the Halfblood chronicles

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  • Cover of: No Night without Stars
    Cover of edition nonightwithoutst00nort_998 First published in 1975 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: Daybreak -- 2250 A.D.
    Cover of edition daybreakadstarma00nort First published in 1954 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: Flight in Yiktor
    Cover of edition flightinyiktornort00nort First published in 1986 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: Garan the Eternal
    First published in 1972 8 editions work

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  • Cover of: Brother to Shadows
    Cover of edition brothertoshadows00andr First published in 1993 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Warding of Witch World
    Cover of edition wardingofwitchwo00nort Cover of edition wardingwitchworl00nort First published in 1996 4 editions work

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  • Cover of: Zarsthor's Bane
    First published in 1978 4 editions work

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April 9, 2021 Edited by Ron Dunn Updated list.
April 9, 2021 Edited by Ron Dunn Updated list.
April 9, 2021 Edited by Ron Dunn Updated list.
April 9, 2021 Edited by Ron Dunn Updated list.
December 23, 2018 Created by Ron Dunn Created new list.