About the Author
Danilo Peshikan (this is not a pen name but a real name), reveals some fascinating facts of his family history, a trigger for his philosophical concept in his writing, and the uniqueness of his books.
"My first name is Russian. My surname is Swiss. But there is nothing French or German left in me. Almost 300 years ago the name belonged to a Swiss Landsknecht who immigrated to Russia as many Swiss and Germans did then to serve in the Russian army. An antecedent of his served under Kutuzov during the Napoleonic wars became a colonel, and was given a barony by Alexander I."
Danilo earned a master's degree in Computer Science. As a programmer, he was a part of the science and technology intelligentsia. A skilled programmer, he had an abstract logical thought, densified it till he produced a picture, which he then simplified. The original, mastery style of Peshikan’s prose makes him easily recognizable. The titles in his books illustrate the writer’s unfamiliarity with striving for external verbal exoticism yet, the unattainable spirit of the exceptional is present in all his stories. The characters in his work are challengingly unconventional types, wandering our planet both outwardly and inwardly. The punchline of his stories is "Does not our happiness wave beckoningly to us in the same way (just a premonition or two), before our lives pass by behind a window, forgotten by everyone?"
You can find out more about the author and his books from his website or Amazon's Author page:
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Shadows of Invisible Dogs
1 item | Last modified November 9, 2020In these stories, ‘not all we seek is the sky above or the road ahead… Everyone has their own wound. For some, it is their impoverished past. For others, humiliations they have experienced, for still others, simply illness or misfortune.’
Shadows of Invisible dogs, stories fixated on the occasional twists of thought/feeling. The characters are seeing the extraordinary in the mundane, there, where it may not exist. The shadows of their "own muddled life" remain simply in some "happy afternoon". Somehow, their own intangible destiny had silently abandoned them somewhere on the long journey with their wounds. Where had that sad separation occurred? When? -
Сенките на Невидимите Кучета
1 item | Last modified November 9, 2020В тази селекция от разкази, героите са странни и необичайни. Образите им са уникални и изникват от дълбочините на спомените. Сенките от техния “собствен, объркан живот” остават единствено в “някой щастлив следобед”. (Сенките на невидимите кучета) Дадено е предимство на общочовешките, универсални въпроси: “каква е тази власт, която в безумната си лакомия унищожава онези над които властвува?” (От горе до долу) Или: “Свободата… За колко от нас, сукали мимантично при честите й ала мними патетични разголвания, бъдещето не е вече каквото беше, нито пък миналото ще става по-добро…
Но в очакването на новото Годò, защо пък да не пораснем? Тихо да затворим цитатния речник и обърнем душите си, тези огрубели ръкавици, към живото слово – само живото слово долавя менливия пулс на нашата, човешката, ситуация... Че тази, сегашната, ситуация в която вярваме не е задължително истина, че което харесваме не е задължително хубаво, че всички въпроси, от началото на света, все още чакат своя отговор.” (Вариации на тема свобода) -
2 items | Last modified July 28, 2017The Stranger, ‘what was he to me, this phantom enshrouded in visions, sinking further away as the years went by, deeper and deeper into a reality, which I could but hate? What did his appearances and exits forebode? I still do not know…
I would run into him on multiple occasions and in different circumstances. Besides, all these encounters coincided with major events of my life, though most of them had sunk into oblivion and now only his ghostly appearances on this stage, passing by and beyond, illuminate those rare moments.
‘Was he simply the good or the evil prophet? Even such discrimination was beyond my power to discern from the complicated night spirals he had woven into my path.’‘The atmosphere in these stories is somehow reminiscent of Patrick Modiano – a fog in which every detail is distinct and crystal-clear, yet we have no idea where we are. And we wander and jostle against each other like in a crowded aquarium, making heroic existential efforts to find out how and why we are there, and who is watching from outside?’ – Literary Forum