Publishing History

This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
Year of Publication


Prolific Authors

who have written the most books on this subject
Robert M. Chanock, 5 books
Edouard Kurstak, 4 books
Fred Brown, 3 books
A. Robert Neurath, 3 books
Marc Hubert Victor van Regenmortel, 2 books
Richard A. Lerner, 2 books
Fred Brown, 2 books
JoAnn Ching Leong, 2 books
David O. White, 2 books
International Symposium "Virus Vaccines in Asian Countries" (1984 Tokyo, Japan), 1 book
WHO Study Group on Biologicals., 1 book
Workshop on Vaccinia Viruses as Vectors for Vaccine Antigens (1984 Chevy Chase, Md.), 1 book
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (San Antonio, Tex.). International Symposium, 1 book
Richard A. Lerner, 1 book
Croatia) Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains (1963 Opatija, 1 book
Germany) International Symposium on Neurovirulence of Viral Vaccines (1965 Munich, 1 book
D.C.) International Conference on Vaccines Against Viral and Rickettsial Diseases of Man (1st 1966 Washington, 1 book
WHO/IABS Symposium on Viral Hepatitis (2nd 1982 Athens, Greece), 1 book
Symposium on Advances in Vaccination Against Virus Diseases (1978 Bern, Switzerland), 1 book
International Symposium on Hepatitis B Vaccine (1st 1980 Paris, France), 1 book
Joint WHO/IABS Symposium on the Standardization of Cell Substrates for the Production of Virus Vaccines Geneva, Switzerland 1976., 1 book
International Symposium on Requirements for Poultry Virus Vaccines Lyons 1973., 1 book
Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains Opatija 1963., 1 book
Round Table Conference on Human Diploid Cell Strains Lyons 1968., 1 book
"Oholo" Biological Conference on New Concepts in Immunity in Viral and Rickettsial Diseases (17th 1972 Zikhron Yaʻaḳov, Israel), 1 book