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Tells the riveting true story of how an American college professor turned Army sleuth recovered cherished symbols of Hitler's Thousand-Year Reich before they could become a rallying point in the creation of a Fourth and equally unholy Reich.
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Previews available in: English
Allied Forces, Art treasures in war, Art and the war, Confiscations and contributions, Protection, Cultural property, World War, 1939-1945, Art thefts, Destruction and pillage, Crown jewels, Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section, HistoryTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
Hitler's holy relics: a true story of Nazi plunder and the race to recover the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire
2010, Simon & Schuster
in English
- 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed.
1416590625 9781416590620
Book Details
Table of Contents
Blacksmith's alley
Monuments men
Camp Ritchie boys
Invasion of Nürnburg
Thor's hammer
Pandora's box
Spear of destiny
Himmler's scholars
The Aryan Jesus
Hitler's fairy-tale kingdom
Teutonic knights
The enemy at the gates
Chain of command
Himmler's courier
Keys to the vault
Hitler's holy reich
Black Camelot
The White House
Nazi plunder
Camp king
The crown jewels
The Faustian bargain
The Fourth Reich
Edition Notes
On t.p., "o" in "holy" appears as swastika symbol.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
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