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Book Details
Table of Contents
Preface by His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons 3
Memoir of the Author 7
Table of Movable Feasts 8
Part First
The Ecclesiastical Year 15
Instruction on Sunday 16
Instruction on Feast-days and Holy-Day 17
Instruction on Fast-days 18
Instruction on Blessings 19
The Blessing of Salt and of Water 19
Instruction on Advent 20
The First Sunday of Advent 21
The Second Sunday of Advent 25
The Third Sunday of Advent 29
The Fourth Sunday of Advent 32
Christmas Eve 36
Christmas 36
The First Mass at Midnight 37
The Second Mass at Daybreak 40
The Third Mass at Daylight 42
The Sunday after Christmas 47
New Years Day, the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord 51
The First Sunday after the Circumcision 54
Epiphany 54
The First Sunday after Epiphany 58
The Second Sunday after Epiphany 60
The Third Sunday after Epiphany 64
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 67
The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 70
The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 73
Septuagesima Sunday 75
Sexagesima Sunday 79
Quinquagesima Sunday 84
Ash Wednesday 87
Instruction on Lent 89
Thursday after Ash Wednesday 90
Friday after Ash Wednesday 91
Saturday after Ash Wednesday 92
The First Sunday of Lent 94
Monday in the First Week of Lent 97
Tuesday in the First Week of Lent
Wednesday in the First Week of Lent 100
Thursday in the First Week of Lent 101
Friday in the First Week of Lent 102
Saturday in the First Week of Lent 104
The Second Sunday of Lent 104
Monday in the Second Week of Lent 107
Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent 108
Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent 109
Thursday in the Second Week of Lent 111
Friday in the Second Week of Lent 113
Saturday in the Second Week of Lent 115
The Third Sunday of Lent 119
Monday in the Third Week of Lent 122
Tuesday in the Third Week of Lent 123
Wednesday in the Third Week of Lent 125
Thursday in the Third Week of Lent 126
Friday in the Third Week of Lent 127
Saturday in the Third Week of Lent 131
The Fourth Sunday of Lent 136
Consolation in Poverty 139
Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent 140
Tuesday in the Fourth Week of Lent 142
Wednesday in the Fourth Week of Lent 144
Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent 146
Friday in the Fourth Week of Lent 148
Saturday in the Fourth Week of Lent 152
Passion Sunday 153
Consolation under Insults 156
Monday in Passion Week 156
Tuesday in Passion Week 157
Wednesday in Passion Week 159
Thursday in Passion Week 161
Friday in Passion Week 163
Saturday in Passion Week 164
Palm Sunday 166
Holy Week 177
Monday in Holy Week 177
Tuesday in Holy Week 178
Wednesday in Holy Week 185
Instructions on Tenable 192
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday 193
Good Friday 196
Holy Saturday 205
Easter Sunday 2O8
Easter Monday 211
Easter Tuesday 214
Instruction on what We Ought to Believe Concerning the Holy Scriptures 217
Low Sunday, the First Sunday after Easter 218
How We May Know the True Church of Christ 220
The Second Sunday after Easter 222
What We Must Believe Concerning Hope 224
The Third Sunday after Easter — The Patronage of St Joseph 224
What We are to Believe Concerning the Evangelical Counsels 225
Encouragement to Patience in Adversity 228
The Fourth Sunday after Easter 229
The Fifth Sunday after Easter 231
Explanation of the Lord's Prayer 233
Rogation-days 234
The Feast of the Ascension 234
The Sixth Sunday after Easter 237
Pentecost 239
The Gifts of the Holy Ghost 242
Whit-Monday 243
Whit-Tuesday 245
The Sacrament of Confirmation 246
Wednesday after Pentecost 247
Friday after Pentecost 248
Saturday after Pentecost 249
Trinity Sunday 250
The Sacrament of Baptism 253
The Most Blessed Trinity 254
First Sunday after Pentecost 254
Corpus Christi 256
The Holy Sacrament of the Altar 258
Second Sunday after Pentecost 261
Lessons against Impurity 263
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 264
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 266
An Offering to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 269
Third Sunday after Pentecost 270
Instruction on Intemperance 270
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 273
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 277
Remedies for Anger 278
Instruction on Swearing 279
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 280
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 282
Instruction on Good Works 284
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 285
Instruction on Calumny 287
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 288
Lessons upon Deathbed Repentance 290
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost 292
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost 295
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 297
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 302
Instruction on the Sacrament of Holy Orders 305
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost 306
Consolation in Poverty 308
Warning against Usury 309
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost 309
On Death 312
Instruction on the Ceremonies of the Church at Burials 318
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 314
Instruction on Keeping Holy Sundays and Holy-days of Obligation 316
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 316
Wednesday following the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 319
Friday following the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 321
Saturday following the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 322
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 324
On Indulgences 326
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 327
Lessons of Consolation from the Joys of Heaven 330
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost 331
On the Care of the Sick 338
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost 334
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost 337
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost 339
On Mockery and Ridicule 342
Twenty-fourth and Last Sunday after Pentecost 342
Feast of the Dedication of a Church 345
Practical Lessons on the Spiritual Temple, which is Man Himself 348
Part Second
On the Veneration of the Saints 350
On the Invocation of the Saints 351
Feast of St Andrew the Apostle, November 30 352
Feast of St Francis Xavier, December 8 355
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8 356
Feast of St Thomas the Apostle, December 21 358
Feast of St Stephen, December 26 360
Feast of St John the Apostle, December 27 363
Feast of the Holy Innocents, December 28 365
Feast of St Paul the Apostle, January 25 368
Feast of St Bridget, Abbess and Patroness of Ireland, February 1 371
Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, Candlemas Day, February 2 373 Instruction for Women after Childbirth 375
Feast of St Blase, Bishop and Martyr, February 3 376
Feast of St Matthias the Apostle, February 24 or 25 377
Feast of St Patrick, Bishop and Apostle of Ireland, March 17 379
Feast of St Joseph, March 19 383
Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25 386
Instruction on the Angelic Salutation or Hail Mary 390
Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin, Friday in Passion Week 390
Feast of SS Philip and James, Apostles, May 1 393
Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, May 3 395
On the Sign of the Cross 398
Feast of St Aloysius, June 21 399
Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, June 24 400
Feast of SS Peter and Paul, Apostles, June 29 404
Of the Pope 409
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary July 2 411
Explanation of the Canticle Magnificat 413
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or of the Scapular, July 16 414
Feast of the Holy Penitent Mary Magdalen, July 22 416
Feast of St James the Greater, Apostle, July 25 419
Feast of St Ann, Mother of the Blessed Virgin, July 26 421
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15 423
Feast of St Joachim, Sunday after the Feast of the Assumption 425
Feast of St Bartholomew, Apostle, August 24 427
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8 428
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 431
Instruction on the Devotion of the Way of the Cross 432
Feast of St Matthew the Apostle, September 21 433
Feast of St Michael the Archangel, September 29 436
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angel, October 2 439
Feast of the Holy Rosary, First Sunday in October 441
Feast of St Francis of Assisi, October 444
Feast of the Holy Apostles Simon and Jude, October 28 447
Feast of All Saints, November 1 449
Explanation of the Eight Beatitudes 451
All Souls' Day, November 2 455
Feast of St Martin, Bishop, November 11 457
Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, November 21 460
Feast of St Catharine, Virgin and Martyr, November 25 462
Part Third
The Ceremonies 466
The Sacraments 467
Baptism 467
Confirmation 470
The Holy Eucharist 472
The Sacrament of Penance 474
Indulgences 475
The Sacrament of Extreme Unction 476
Holy Orders 477
The Sacrament of Matrimony 477
Part Fourth
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 479
The Altar and Its Meaning 479
Vestments Worn at the Altar 481
Symbolical Objects Used during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 482
General Ceremonies Observed during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 482
Prayers At Mass 483
The Preparation 483
The Confiteor 483
The Introit 485
The Kyrie Eleison 485
The Gloria 486
The Collect 486
The Epistle 487
The Gradual 488
The Gospel 488
The Creed 489
The Offertory 490
The Lavabo 492
The Orate Fratres 493
The Preface 494
The Canon of the Mass 494
The Commemoration of the Living 496
The Consecration 497
The Commemoration of the Dead 500
The Pater Noster 501
The Agnus Dei 502
The Communion 503
The Post Communion 506
The Last Gospel 507
A Method of Hearing Mass Spiritually for Those Who are Prevented from Going to Church 508
A Method of Hearing Mass for Those Who Wish to Unite their Prayers with those of the Priest 512
Morning Devotions 521
Acts of Adoration, Thanksgiving, Contrition, and Oblation 521
Petition and Commendation to God 522
To Mary 523
To Our Guardian Angel 523
To Our Patron Saints 523
A Good Intention 524
Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity 524
The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus 525
Prayers to be Said in a Storm 527
Evening Devotions 528
Thanks to God 528
Prayer for Light to Know One's Sins 528
An Act of Contrition 529
A Resolution of Amendment 530
A Commendation and Petition 530
Litany of the B.V.M. 531
Family Prayers to be Said in Common 533
Evening Blessing 535
Prayer for a Sick Person 535
The Litany of the Saints, 535
Devotions for Confession 542
Devotions for Holy Communion 560
Prayers for the Stations 587
Daily Exercises for Various States in Life 609
Prayer of Married Persons 609
Prayer of a Farm-hand 610
Prayer of a Servant 610
Prayer of a Child 610
Prayers to be Said with the Sick 610
Prayer for a Happy Death 611
How to Suffer Sickness and Death with Merit 611
An Act of Faith 612
An Act of Hope 612
An Act of Charity 612
The Memorare 613
The Salve Regina 613
Prayers for Various Occasions 614
A Prayer for the Church, the Pope, the Civil Authorities, etc 614
In Any Necessity 615
In Any Tribulation 615
In Time of Famine or Pestilence 615
For Forgiveness of Sins 615
For Heretics and Schismatics 616
For Our Friends 616
For the Sick 616
For the Dead 616
For a Husband or Wife 617
For Parents and Their Children 617
Devotions for the Sick 618
A Prayer to be Repeated Daily in Time of Sickness 619
Short Acts of the Most Necessary Virtues 620
Holy Communion as a Viaticum 622
Before Receiving the Holy Viaticum 622
After the Holy Viaticum 623
Extreme Unction 624
Prayer before Extreme Unction 624
Prayer after Extreme Unction 626
Prayer in a Burial-ground 626
Devotions to the Sacred Heart 627
An Hour's Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament 667
A Trip to the Holy Land 678
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