An edition of The nurses are innocent (2011)

The nurses are innocent

the digoxin poisoning fallacy

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August 13, 2022 | History
An edition of The nurses are innocent (2011)

The nurses are innocent

the digoxin poisoning fallacy

"In 1980-81, 43 babies died at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children from a supposed digoxin overdose. Serial murder was suspected, leading to the arrest of nurse Susan Nelles. In order to clear Nelles's name, an investigation was launched to find an alternate explanation. No one on the Grange Royal Commission of Inquiry had expertise in diagnosis. The post-mortem diagnosis of digoxin poisoning was based on a single biochemical test without knowledge of the normal values. Gavin Hamilton's extensive research shows that a toxin found in natural rubber, a digoxin-like substance, might well have been the culprit in the babies' deaths. He clearly demonstrates that explanations other than serial murder account for the cluster of infant deaths at HSC. What can be learned from this black stain on Canada's judicial system? One lesson certainly stands out: we can't ever again allow a group of unqualified amateur diagnosticians make life-and-death decisions about such important matters as potential serial murders"--Provided by publisher.

Publish Date
Dundurn Press

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Table of Contents

A simple new technique to show kidney vascularity
Physiologic and allergic reactions to IVP dye injections
Anaphylactic shock following an IVP dye injection
A hidden and unsuspected allergenic hazard in pharmaceutical rubber
Concealing, revealing, then inaction on the hazardous contamination of medical rubber MBT in injected X-ray dyes, pharmaceuticals, allergy desensitization "shots," IV fluids, and blood
A preventable repeat performance
Inaction on rubber contamination leaching into pharmaceuticals worldwide
Control of medical journal content : suppressing the MBT contamination warning
An expensive new X-ray dye, shown by statistics to reduce serious side effects
Misdirected protection by government health protection agencies, allowing the health hazard of MBT to extend beyond 2000
A rubber contaminant linked to an epidemic of baby poisoning in Toronto
"There were no murders!"
An innocent pediatric cardiac nurse is charged with multiple patient murders
Deaths by insidious poisoning, but no murders
The Dubin report on the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children
The Grange inquiry report
The digoxin poisoning investigation
Falsely high digoxin readings on the autopsy digoxin tests
A contaminant can be measured as digoxin
A worldwide epidemic of poisoning
Different death rates on HSC Cardiac Ward 4A and Ward 4B
An epidemic of infant cardiac deaths across Canada
The Canadian nurse journal successfully challenges the digoxin poisoning theory
A summary of the case against the digoxin poisoning theory
False diagnoses of baby poisoning from interpretations of autopsy specimens.

Edition Notes

Issued also in electronic formats.

Published in
Other Titles
Digoxin poisoning fallacy


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
HV6535.C33 T6743 2011, HV8079.H6, HV6535.C33 T67 2011

The Physical Object

240 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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August 13, 2022 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
August 21, 2020 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
July 25, 2012 Created by LC Bot import new book