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"This monograph offers a broad investigative tool in ergodic theory and measurable dynamics. The motivation for this work is that one may measure how similar two dynamical systems are by asking how much the time structure of orbits of one system must be distorted for it to become the other.".
"Different restrictions on the allowed distortion will lead to different restricted orbit equivalence theories. These include Ornstein's isomorphism theory, the Kakutani equivalence theory and a host of others. By putting such restrictions in an axiomatic framework, a general approach is developed that encompasses all these examples simultaneously and gives insight into how to seek further applications.
The work is placed in the context of discrete amenable group actions where time is not required to be one-dimensional, making the results applicable to a much wider range of problems and examples."--BOOK JACKET.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Restricted Orbit Equivalence for Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups
2012, Cambridge University Press
in English
1139239082 9781139239080
Restricted Orbit Equivalence for Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521183855 9780521183857
Restricted Orbit Equivalence for Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups
2010, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511549903 9780511549908
Restricted Orbit Equivalence of Discrete Amenable Groups
January 15, 2002, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 1st edition
0521807956 9780521807951
Book Details
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"The purpose of this work is to lift the notion of restricted orbit equivalence to the category of free and ergodic actions of discrete amenable groups."
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