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The master of baiting a consumer to believe anything is the academic convinced of their own pragmatism, that the convincing of an idea is up to them rather than up to whom they are trying to convince. There is a point at which the wise man is defined for us and the academic is defined for us, the definitions of which grant us a hyperfact to base our reason to value on. Our valuation, the nature of subjects and situations, the understandable, are up for mastery. What does the metaphysical rambler ramble about that makes a valid ontology?
This book is an attempt to make a sequence of unsequential musings and simultaneously an attempt to make a long joke which has no punchline. From anarchy and the perception of chaos, to valuation and superformality, to sexual desire and psychedelia, this very, very academic book is a manipulation of language to make a series of points that may consensually violate a set of "basic principles."
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philosophy, abiotic, able, ableism, abolish, abolitin, absolutism, abstract, absurd, abuse, postmodernism, power, pragmatism, primitivism, purism, question, realism, religion, romance, sarcasm, academe, science, self, sex, socialism, sociopathy, space, subjectivism, surrealism, topolgy, thinking, academia, truth, understanding, unique, universe, value, valuation, will, wisdom, zero, accelerationism, access, accommodation, acid, addiction, adoration, adult, aesthetic, affirmation, age, alcholism, alienation, belief, ambiguity, amoralism, anarchism, archaism, atheism, axiology, beauty, being, book, Bookchin, boredom, boundaries, bourgeoisie, brain, capital, causation, chaos, codependence, comedy, commodity, communism, communization, concept, conformity, conscious, cosmos, culture, death, deconstruction, dialectics, difference, dualism, ecology, energy, experience, feeling, fact, fantasy, fiction, form, government, habit, hallucinogen, hierarchy, humor, idealism, ideology, jealousy, labels, learning, liberty, love, magic, marxism, materialism, math, music, mysticism, nature, neurology, nihilism, obfuscation, objectivism, ontology, pansexuality, paradox, pattern, perception, perfect, physics, politics, polyamory, pornEdition | Availability |
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