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Previews available in: English
Communicative disorders in children, Congresses, Children with disabilities, Language, Communication devices for people with disabilities, Pasigraphy, Communication devices for the disabled, Physically handicapped children, Disabled Persons, Language Development, Nonverbal Communication, Rehabilitation, Methods, Self-Help Devices, Speech Disorders, Child, Infant, Communication, Troubles de la, chez l'enfant, Congrès, Enfants handicapés, Langage, Appareils de communication pour handicapés, Pasigraphie, Lichamelijk gehandicapten, Non-verbale communicatie, CommunicatiemiddelenEdition | Availability |
Non-vocal communication techniques and aids for the severely physically handicapped: based upon transcriptions of the 1975 Trace Center national workshop series on non-vocal communication techniques and aids
1976, University Park Press
in English
0839109520 9780839109525
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Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 221-227.
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