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Duke University Press,
Duke University Press Books
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Previews available in: English
Art and society, Modern Arts, Political aspects, Modern Aesthetics, Philosophy, History, Estetik, Politische Ästhetik, Ästhetik, Politik, Politische A#x1A;sthetik, Moderne, A#x1A;sthetik, Politiska aspekter, Filosofi, Modern konst, Kunst, Arts, modern, Aesthetics, modern, Arts, philosophy, Art, political aspectsTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics
2009, Duke University Press
in English
0822390973 9780822390978
Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics
2009, Duke University Press
in English
1283035820 9781283035828
Communities of sense: rethinking aesthetics and politics
2009, Duke University Press, Duke University Press Books
in English
0822344971 9780822344971
Book Details
Table of Contents
Contemporary art and the politics of aesthetics / Jacques Rancière
The romantic art work / Alexander Potts
From classical to postclassical beauty : institutional critique and aesthetic enigma in Louise Lawler's photography / Toni Ross
Technologies of belonging : sensus communis, disidentification / Ranjana Khanna
Dada's event : Paris, 1921 / T.J. Demos
Citizen cursor / David Joselit
Mass customization : corporate architecture and the "end" of politics / Reinhold Martin
Post-communist notes on some Vertov stills / Yates McKee
Experimental communities / Carlos Basualdo and Reinaldo Laddaga
Précarité, autorité, autonomie / Rachel Haidu
Neo-Dada 1951/54 : between the aesthetics of persecution and the politics of identity / Seth McCormick
Thinking red : ethical militance and the group subject / Emily Apter
Interview with Étienne Balibar.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
Library of Congress MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
Marygrove College MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
marc_nuls MARC record record
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