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Emblems, Early works to 1800Places
BelgiumEdition | Availability |
Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata: Eivsdem Aenigmatvm libellvs
1566, Ex officina Christophori Plantini
in Latin
Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata: eivsdem Aenigmatvm libellus
1565, Ex officina Christophori Plantini
in Latin
Book Details
Edition Notes
1st ed.; see Voet, Landwehr.
"Excvdebat Christophorvs Plantinvs Antverpiae, anno M.D.LXV. Idibvs Maii"--Colophon.
The Aenigmatum libellus has special t.p.
Reading from top to bottom, the single page devoted to each of the 58 emblems consists of a brief statement of the topic, in some cases a dedication to a prominent person, the woodcut ill., and a four-line explanation in verse. Additional explanation in prose for each emblem follows on p. 65-149.
Plantin's compasses device appears on both t.p.'s. Blocks for the ill. were mostly cut by Gerard Janssen van Kampen, with a few by Arnaud Nicolai. The ill. for emblems X and XIX have the letter G for Gerard. Geoffroy Ballain provided 52 of the drawings, Pieter Huys the remainder; see Voet. The pages of the 1st title and the t.p. of the 2nd have borders of typographical fleurons. Two decorated initials.
From an ed. of 1250; see Voet.
Signatures: A-I⁸ K⁴ *⁸.
List of authors cited, p. [150-151].
Voet, L. Plantin press, 1476, 1477
Landwehr, J. Emblem and fable books printed in the low countries, 398
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