An edition of Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata (1565)

Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata

eivsdem Aenigmatvm libellus

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September 1, 2021 | History
An edition of Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata (1565)

Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata

eivsdem Aenigmatvm libellus

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Edition Notes

1st ed.; see Voet, Landwehr.

"Excvdebat Christophorvs Plantinvs Antverpiae, anno M.D.LXV. Idibvs Maii"--Colophon.

The Aenigmatum libellus has special t.p.

Reading from top to bottom, the single page devoted to each of the 58 emblems consists of a brief statement of the topic, in some cases a dedication to a prominent person, the woodcut ill., and a four-line explanation in verse. Additional explanation in prose for each emblem follows on p. 65-149.

Plantin's compasses device appears on both t.p.'s. Blocks for the ill. were mostly cut by Gerard Janssen van Kampen, with a few by Arnaud Nicolai. The ill. for emblems X and XIX have the letter G for Gerard. Geoffroy Ballain provided 52 of the drawings, Pieter Huys the remainder; see Voet. The pages of the 1st title and the t.p. of the 2nd have borders of typographical fleurons. Two decorated initials.

From an ed. of 1250; see Voet.

Signatures: A-I⁸ K⁴ *⁸.

List of authors cited, p. [150-151].

Voet, L. Plantin press, 1476, 1477

Landwehr, J. Emblem and fable books printed in the low countries, 398

Published in
Other Titles
Hadriani Iunii medici Emblemata, Hadriani Ivnii medici Emblemata, ad D. Arnoldvm Cobelivm :

The Physical Object

149, [19] p.
Number of pages

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Open Library
Internet Archive

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