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21st century, 21e siècleEdition | Availability |
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Table of Contents
Machine generated contents note:
Translator's Acknowledgments --
Flight (A Translator's Poem) --
Passages and the Unrequitable Gift --
Na cara sur da ponte --
At the south face of the bridge --
Seriamente --
Seriously --
Eles --
They --
Onde o sono re aha es menor que o tamano dunhaflor --
Where dream lifts you you're smaller than a flower --
Da aguia --
From the eagle --
A woife caxa --
Night was falling --
Amaba as cidades --
She loved cities --
Por iso uliamos a oxido --
That's why we smelled of rust --
Era o dia da mina execution --
It was the day of my execution --
Estabamos sobre aquel cume --
We were on that summit --
Falabamos --
We were talking --
Arriba --
Above --
Ao ser de obra de dezaoito anos --
Having been in the works for eighteen years --
Adidntanse --
They push outward --
A drbore --
The tree --
Furtiva --
Furtive --
Supeto --
Suddenly --
A columna de fogo na eruption do Krakatoa --
The pillar of fire in the eruption of Krakatoa --
A mao xunta as palabras --
The hand assembles words --
Brisa enche o avental --
Brisa fills her apron --
?Daquela non e a rapaza a que olla a morte --
So it's not the girl who eyes death --
?Que vos ta dicir --
What was I saying to you --
?Cando --
When --
Iamos cos errantes --
We went with the wanderers --
Nada mdis achegado que os musgos --
Nothing closer than the mosses --
Non se sacia a mirada de contemplar a soidade --
The gaze never tires of contemplating solitude --
O inverno abandonase d chuvia --
Winter gave way to rain --
Vosoutras pedras, traedeme as palabras --
You stones, bring me words --
N6s eramos herba --
We were leaves of grass --
Sentes unha ameaza --
You sense danger --
Eu era unha tone --
I was a tower --
Nosoutros --
Those of us --
Non disparei --
I didn't shoot --
E Afrodita quen extrae o limite --
It's Aphrodite who extracts the limit --
Desde os milenios --
For millennia --
Arqueddevos palabras --
Bend, words --
Tivo medo --
Out of fear --
No silencio --
In the silence --
As cousas arrombaralas de calquera xeito --
You'd tidied things up any old way --
iComo chamarlle a esta vida --
What to call this life --
Pasei o dta preto da terra e o anoitecer --
I spent the day close to earth and nightfall --
Noutros retratos --
In other portraits --
A vida non se lembra --
Life's not remembered --
O sementado agroma --
What's sown bursts forth --
A lua ao final da noite --
The moon at night's end --
O ultimo que vinforon os trdnsitos entre os signos --
The last I saw were the passages between the signs.
Edition Notes
In Galician and English.
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