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It has been over a decade since the release first edition of the now classic original edition of Murray's Mathematical Biology. Since then mathematical biology and medicine has grown at an astonishing rate and has established itself as a distinct discipline. Mathematical modelling is now being applied in every major discipline in the biomedical sciences. Though the field has become increasingly large and specialized, this book remains important as a text that introduces some of the exciting problems which arise in the biomedical sciences and gives some indication of the wide spectrum of questions that modelling can address. Due to the tremendous development in recent years, this new edition is being published in two volumes. This second volume covers spatial models and biomedical applications. For this new edition, Murray covers certain items in depth, introducing new applications such as modelling growth and control of brain tumours, bacterial patterns, wound healing and wolf territoriality. In other areas, he discusses basic modelling concepts and provides further references as needed. He also provides even closer links between models and experimental data throughout the text. Graduate students and researchers will find this book invaluable as it gives an excellent background from which to begin genuinely practical interdisciplinary research in the biomedical sciences.
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Previews available in: English
Mathematical models, Biology, Mathematics, Ecology, Biomedical engineering, Biomathematics, Biological Models, Biomathematik, Biomatematika, Biologie, Modeles mathematiques, Biology, mathematical models, Biometry, Biology--mathematical models, Models, biological, Qh323.5 .m88 1989, W1 bi852t v.19 1989, Qh 323.5 m982m 1989, 574/.072/4, Mathematical Biology in General, Biophysics/Biomedical Physics, Community & Population EcologyEdition | Availability |
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Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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September 28, 2024 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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