An edition of Epistolae familiares (1481)

Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.

Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[ ...
Pius II Pope, Pius II Pope

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November 28, 2012 | History
An edition of Epistolae familiares (1481)

Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.

430 letters of Pope Pius II written during the period of his papacy from 1458-1464.

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Cover of: Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.
Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.
1505, vendunantur Lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard, eiusdem ciuitatis bibliopola et ciue in vico mercuriali: vulgariter en la rue merchiere, prope sanctum Anthonium
in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Impensis Anthonii Koberger Nuremberge impresse. finiunt
in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Anton Koberger
in Latin
Cover of: Epistolae familiares.
Epistolae familiares.
1496, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Familiares epistole ad diuersos.
Familiares epistole ad diuersos.
1486, Impensis Anthonij Koberger Nuremberge impresse. finiu[n]t.
in Latin
Cover of: Epistolae familiares.
Epistolae familiares.
1486, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Familiares ep[isto]le ad diuersos.
Familiares ep[isto]le ad diuersos.
1481, Impensis Antonij Koburger Nure[m]berge imp[re]sse. finiu[n]t
in Latin
Cover of: Pii ii pōtificis maximi cui ante sūmū ep̄atu p̄mū... Aeneas Silvinome erat familiares ep[istola]e.

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Signatures: A6 a-z8 &4 (-&4).

Mis-signing: n4 as n2.

Title in red and black.

Impresse Lugd. per Johan[n]em de vingle. Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.quinto, Die,viij.Noue[m]bris.

Printer name, date of printing from colophon.

Second edition, edited by A. Archintus and J. Vinzalius.

Published in
Other Titles
Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secundi pontificis maximi.

The Physical Object

[193] leaves :
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Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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November 28, 2012 Edited by AnandBot Fixed spam edits.
November 24, 2012 Edited by Edited without comment.
December 3, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Added subjects from MARC records.
December 9, 2009 Created by WorkBot add works page