An edition of The medieval lyric (1968)

The medieval lyric.

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The medieval lyric.
Dronke, Peter., Dronke, Peter.

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December 15, 2009 | History
An edition of The medieval lyric (1968)

The medieval lyric.

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To read Peter Dronke's book is to want immediately to read again the lyrics about which he writes so perceptively. His understanding of human nature combines with an extraordinary bird's-eye view of Western European culture in the middle ages (and familiarity with the languages) to present the poetry of the time in beguiling context.

He shows the men and women who sang and played in medieval Europe as the heirs of both a Roman and a Germanic lyric tradition, united but differentiated from country to country; he introduces the scholars and musicians from the Byzantine world and the Paris schools, the German courts and Italian city-states, and he brilliantly presents their work, both sacred and profane.

The melodies are given for twelve of the lyrics discussed, a small but satisfying repertoire and an important reminder that music was for a medieval audience an essential complement to the lyric.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: The medieval lyric
The medieval lyric
1996, D.S. Brewer
in English - 3rd ed.
Cover of: The medieval lyric
The medieval lyric
1978, Hutchinson
in English - 2nd ed.
Cover of: La lírica en la Edad Media
La lírica en la Edad Media
1978, Seix Barral
in Spanish - 1. ed.
Cover of: The medieval lyric
The medieval lyric
1977, Cambridge University Press
in English - 2d ed.
Cover of: The medieval lyric
The medieval lyric
1969, Perennial Library
in English
Cover of: The medieval lyric.
The medieval lyric.
1968, Hutchinson
in English
Cover of: The medieval lyric.
The medieval lyric.
Publisher unknown

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December 15, 2009 Edited by WorkBot link works
November 2, 2008 Created by ImportBot Imported from The Laurentian Library MARC record