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Last edited by Stephen Partington
July 4, 2011 | History

%Fiction European 18

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  • Cover of: Quo Vadis?: Powieść z czasów Nerona

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  • Cover of: Les Misérables

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  • Cover of: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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  • Cover of: Братья Карамазовы

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  • Cover of: Anna Karenina

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  • Cover of: Les Misérables

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  • Cover of: Notre-Dame
    First published in 1888 5 editions work

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  • Cover of: Cosette
    Cover of edition p2lesmisrables00hugouoft Cover of edition p2lesmisrabl00hugouoft Cover of edition cosette00hugogoog Cover of edition lesmiserables02hugogoog Cover of edition lesmisrablesvol00unkngoog Cover of edition isbn_9782010151934 Cover of edition cosettesequeltol00kalp Cover of edition cosettesequeltol0000kalp_e5e3 Cover of edition lesmiserables00vict First published in 1862 14 editions work

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  • Cover of: The works of Victor Hugo
    Cover of edition worksofvictorhug01hugo Cover of edition worksofvictorhu00hugo First published in 1866 13 editions work

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  • Cover of: The Kreutzer sonata and other stories

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  • Cover of: War and Peace

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  • Cover of: Pinocchio, A story by Coloddi (adaptation)

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  • Cover of: Pinocchio under the sea

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  • Cover of: Le avventure di Pinocchio

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  • Cover of: Le avventure di Pinocchio

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  • Cover of: An Historical Mystery
    First published in 1891 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: Le avventure di Pinocchio

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  • Cover of: Thaïs
    Cover of edition thasfrance00fran Cover of edition thaisfranceanato00fran Cover of edition thasanatole00franuoft Cover of edition thaisfra00franuoft Cover of edition thaisfranceanato00franiala Cover of edition thas01frangoog Cover of edition thais0000fran Cover of edition thaisfran00fran First published in 1889 44 editions work

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  • Cover of: Thais
    Cover of edition thaisfrance00franiala First published in 1891 29 editions work

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  • Cover of: Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard

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  • Cover of: The red lily
    Cover of edition cu31924027269434 Cover of edition redlilyfrance00franiala Cover of edition theredlily00franiala Cover of edition cu31924027269459 Cover of edition redlilylelysrou00frangoog First published in 1898 30 editions work

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  • Cover of: Voyage au Centre de la Terre

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  • Cover of: On life & letters
    Cover of edition onlifeletterssec00franiala Cover of edition onlifeletters00franiala Cover of edition onlifelettersfir0000fran Cover of edition onlifeletterstra00franuoft Cover of edition onlifeletters00fran First published in 1910 28 editions work

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  • Cover of: Le mannequin d'osier
    Cover of edition lemannequindosie00franuoft Cover of edition wickerworkwomanc00franiala First published in 1890 22 editions work

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  • Cover of: Pierre Nozière
    Cover of edition cu31924027269863 Cover of edition pierrenozir00fran Cover of edition pierrenozire00frangoog First published in 1899 18 editions work

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  • Cover of: Balthasar
    Cover of edition balthasar00franuoft Cover of edition balthasar00france Cover of edition balthasa00fran Cover of edition balthasar00franrich Cover of edition balthasar00lanegoog First published in 1896 15 editions work

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  • Cover of: Jocasta & The famished cat
    Cover of edition jocastafamishedc00franiala First published in 1900 9 editions work

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  • Cover of: Clio: & The chateau de Vaux-le-vicomte

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  • Cover of: The works of Rabelais
    First published in 1880 9 editions work

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July 4, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington Edited without comment.
July 4, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington Edited without comment.
June 28, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington updated list seeds.
June 25, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington updated list seeds.
June 20, 2011 Created by Stephen Partington Created new list.