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%Fiction European 19

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  • Cover of: The aspirations of Jean Servien

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  • Cover of: Révolte des anges
    Cover of edition revoltofangels00franiala Cover of edition revoltofangels00fran Cover of edition revoltofangelsfran First published in 1914 24 editions work

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  • Cover of: On life & letters
    Cover of edition onlifeletters00franiala Cover of edition onlifeletterstra00franuoft Cover of edition onlifeletterssec00franiala Cover of edition onlifeandletters00franiala Cover of edition onlifelettersfir0000fran First published in 1910 28 editions work

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  • Cover of: Sur la pierre blanche
    Cover of edition surlapierreblanc00franuoft Cover of edition surlapierreblan00fran Cover of edition whitestone00frangoog Cover of edition surlapierreblanc0000fran First published in 1900 18 editions work

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  • Cover of: The elm-tree on the mall: a chronicle of our own times

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  • Cover of: A mummer's tale
    Cover of edition mummerstale0000fran First published in 1921 16 editions work

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  • Cover of: The merrie tales of Jacques Tournebroche: and Child life in town and country

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  • Cover of: Monsieur Bergeret in Paris
    Cover of edition cu31924027269699 Cover of edition monsieurbergeret0000fran_w5s5 Cover of edition mbergeretinparis00franiala First published in 1921 11 editions work

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  • Cover of: The amethyst ring
    Cover of edition amethystringfran Cover of edition amethystring00fran First published in 1919 10 editions work

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  • Cover of: At the Sign of the Reine Pedauque

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  • Cover of: Bee: the princess of the dwarfs
    First published in 1910 7 editions work

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  • Cover of: Honey-bee
    Cover of edition honeybee00franiala Cover of edition honeybee00franrich Cover of edition honeybee00frangoog First published in 1911 6 editions work

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  • Cover of: Marguerite
    First published in 1921 3 editions work

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July 4, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington Edited without comment.
July 4, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington Edited without comment.
June 25, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington updated list seeds.
June 25, 2011 Edited by Stephen Partington updated list seeds.
June 25, 2011 Created by Stephen Partington Created new list.