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"Payoff investigates the true nature of motivation, our partial blindness to the way it works, and how we can bridge this gap. With studies that range from Intel to a kindergarten classroom, Ariely digs deep to find the root of motivation--how it works and how we can use this knowledge to approach important choices in our own lives. Along the way, he explores intriguing questions such as: Can giving employees bonuses harm productivity? Why is trust so crucial for successful motivation? What are our misconceptions about how to value our work? How does your sense of your mortality impact your motivation?"--Baker & Taylor.
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Economics, Motivation (Psychology), Employee motivation, Incentive (Psychology), Psychological aspects, Success, Applied Psychology, Social psychology, Self-actualization (Psychology), Personnel, Motivation, Stimulants (Psychologie), Motivation (Psychologie), Économie politique, Aspect psychologique, Succès, Psychologie appliquée, Psychologie sociale, PSYCHOLOGY, SELF-HELP, Personal Growth, Anreiz, Arbeitsmotivation, Motivationspsychologie, Lohnsystem, Produktivität, Motivation en éducation, Economics--psychological aspects, Psychology, applied, Psychology--applied psychology, Psychology--social psychology, Self-help--personal growth--success, Hf5549.5.m63 a74 2016, 658.3/14Edition | Availability |
Payoff: the hidden logic that shapes our motivations
2016, Ted Books/Simon & Schuster
in English
- First TED Books hardcover edition.
1501120042 9781501120046
Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations
2016, Simon & Schuster
in English
1501120050 9781501120053
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